
I originally started blogging at the end of February 2013 to record all the family research on-line. I had been compiling the family history since I graduated college in 2004 家族の歴史を記録するという実際的な目的のために、自分の歴史のスキルを活用する. I materially completed the project at the end of 2013 しかし時々別の話を追加しました. このページにある PDF をダウンロードまたは印刷してご利用ください。. 誰でも無料で利用できます.


<スパンbbox_x = "345" bbox_y = "482" bbox_w = "104" bbox_h = "17" FSIZE = "11" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= ", <スパンbbox_x = "455" bbox_y = "482" bbox_w = "159" bbox_h = "17" FSIZE = "11" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= ", <スパンbbox_x = "508" bbox_y = "482" bbox_w = "225" bbox_h = "38" FSIZE = "11" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "

エリス·Mosblechファミリー – My maternal grandparents, Gilbert Ellis and Alvina Mosblech, were the focus of this project. I lacked information about my grandfather’s family because his father William died when Grandpa was two years old. Through public records, I know more about his father than Grandpa did. おばあちゃんはの一つであった 14 子供. Grandpa was an only child. アン この調査の最新の PDF コピー ダウンロードできます.

I also compiled this family history in a paperback with pictures for anyone who wanted a book copy of the project. 現時点でわかっている情報のみが記載されています 2013.


ヨセフ (ヨーゼフ) ディアス – Date Unknown

Diaz Family History – で 1981, my mother remarried my stepfather, アーネストC. ディアス. Dad raised us, so I wanted to record his family history as well. His father, ジョセフ·ディアス, was a Mexican immigrant. His mother, マリーMoellenberg, was a first generation American child of German immigrants. A PDF のコピーが利用可能です すべての人のために.


Parker Zimmerman holding Harry and Dolly Zimmerman holding Frank O. in Commerce, MO in 1913

Zimmerman-Deweese Family History – My paternal grandparents, フランク·O. Zimmerman and Eloise V. Deweese, were born and raised in Southeast Missouri. Frank O.’s father Parker was killed by Cape Girardeau Tornado of 1949. Eloise’s grandfather John Riley Deweese held the position of Republican Party Committee Chairman for Welch Township, ケープジラードー. アン 更新されたPDFはここから入手できます.

I also compiled a paperback for this project for anyone wanting a book copy of the family history. までの情報のみが含まれています。 2016.

I hope you find this project helpful in your family history journey.

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