

木曜日に, 1月 31, 2020, グランドマスターのパット・ウェズマンが私をテコンドーの上級クラスで四段に昇段させてくれました. グランドマスター・ウェズマンと彼女の夫アートの授業を始めたとき, このマイルストーンに到達するとは予想していませんでした. 私はもともと春に甥のジムのクラスを受け始めました 1995. で結婚してから 1996, 数日間授業を受けるのをやめました

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Great Advice – If You Are 20


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come back to more traditional bodybuilding training as a supplement to my martial arts training. Traditional bodybuilding is less ballistic and leaves me less vulnerable to injury. When I was younger, I never worried about injury nor did I get injured often. Once I passed 35 years old though, I started getting injured much more

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Why I Studied the Martial Arts I Have


私たちは、アカデミーのカリキュラムに4つ以上の武道を含め. 私はこれらの芸術を見てみると, 私は、それぞれの1を研究し明確な理由を参照してください。. これらの芸術は、打撃をカバー, グラップリング, 地上戦で実用的な自己防衛の武器, 杖. 私は秋に松涛館空手を学び始めた 1994. I switched to Taekwondo with my nephew in the Spring of 1995. Taekwondo brought

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Black Belts Need Skill and Character


At our fantasy football draft this year, one of the other owners asked me who I thought was the best mixed martial artist of all time. I told him that based on skill, the greatest mixed martial artist of all time was Jon “Bones” Jones. <スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, Jones’ frequent problems outside of the Octagon would keep him from being considered the

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