• шикат-повредува-омахони

    Епизода 30 – Шикат vs. О'Махони

    https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/b7uzv9/Episode_30abul2.mp3Подкаст: Игра во нов прозорец | DownloadIn this episode, разговараме за двојниот крст на Дик Шикат

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  • Топ-десет-легитимни-борец-книга-покривка

    Топ десет легитимни професионални борачи

    Кој е најголемиот легитимен професионален борач кој се борел во САД? Како

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  • левис-збиско-ракување

    Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

    Ретко некој се фундаментално го менуваат својата професија, но Stanislaus Zbyszko го направија токму тоа на април,,en,Zbyszko поразен Вејн MUNN во еден од последните снимањето,,en,не изведена,,en,професионални борење натпревари во САД,,en,Тоа беше на снимањето или легитимни натпревар бидејќи Zbyszko двојно преминал,,en,промоција борење и победи MUNN за титулата,,en,Вејн MUNN беше ѕвезда фудбалер на Универзитетот во Небраска,,en,каде што неговиот,,en,фунти рамка беше необично пред стероиди ера,,en,Борење промотори Џејмс,,en,Mondt и Били Sandow,,en,заедно со светот во тешка категорија шампион во борење, Ед,,en,видов пари во голем спортист и покрај неговиот недостаток на способност борење,,en,Претставен како 6,,en,гигант,,en,Трио внимателно го совпаѓа со еден куп на помалку квалификувани борачи,,en,каде MUNN ќе го користи неговата големина и сила да,,en,поразот,,en,мажите,,en

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  • Том-Хајер-бокс-облик

    Том Hyer ритми Јенки Саливан

    Том Hyer освои американскиот голи зглоб Prizefighting првенство во 1841. Како и повеќето шампиони во наградната борба

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Night of Terror (1933)


Columbia Pictures released Night of Terror (1933) on April 24, 1933. Made before the enforcement of the Production Code, the film contained a couple of situations, which would not be allowed in a year or two. Во овој филм (Филијалата линк), Mary Rinehart frequently kisses a man she is not engaged to but remains the heroine. A maniac is killing

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Abe Attell and St. Louis Boxing


Во 2010, St. Луис беше 58. најголем град во Соединетите Американски Држави и 19 по големина метрополитенска област. Околу крајот на векот, тоа беше петти или шести по големина град во САД и најголемиот западно од реката Мисисипи. St. Louis had one of the largest clothing, shoe and beer manufacturing industries in

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Пол Понс Hometowned во 1900


Paul Pons was a French Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. He was good enough to give George Hackenschmidt a run for his money in several tournaments. Сепак, when he came to Chicago in 1900, he was “defeated” by a local wrestler. The circumstances of the loss leave a lot to be desired. Paul Pons traveled to the United States in 1900. Еден

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Brilliant If Not Entertaining


Ryan Hall fought Gray Maynard at the TUF 24 Finale on December 3, 2016. I heard about the bout on the Anik and Florian podcast. Ray Longo talked about the bout and shared his concerns that Hall completely shut down Maynard but his style may make it difficult for him to get fights. After watching the bout, I understand what

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Strange Case of “Toddy” Dillon

старо-STL-полициска значка

In May 1925, the lifeless body of Dr. William Dillon was found on a walking path. The divorcee was a prominent St. Louis physician, who lived hard and was a known lady’s man. St. Louis Police initially suspected a rival of Dillon’s shot the physically and socially powerful Dillon rather than fight him. Сепак, suspicion eventually settled on Dillon’s 19-year-old

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Counter-Espionage (1942)


Columbia Pictures’ Lone Wolf series, starring Warren Williams as Michael Lanyard, is one of my favorite “Б” филмскиот серијал. Williams played the debonair jewel thief, who somehow always ends up helping the police solve a series of crimes. Counter-Espionage (1942) (Филијалата линк) begins with Lanyard stealing top secret plans from Sir Stafford Hart’s safe. Scotland Yard’s Inspector Stephens rushes to

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Д-р. Дилан Убиени

старо-STL-полициска значка

Од мај 1, 1925, a custodian at Washington University arrived at work around 6:00 изутрина. Looking towards the gravel path to Francis Field, he spied what he thought was a bundle of laundry. Figuring a careless student dropped his laundry, the custodian walked down the path to the bundle. As he got closer, he realized it wasn’t clothing but a

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Г-дин. Moto in Danger Island (1939)

сеуште заблагодарување-mr-мото

На април 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox released the seventh of eight Mr. Движење “Б” филмови. Г-дин. Мото во островот Опасност започнува со г.. Moto on a ship headed to Puerto Rico. Г-дин. Движење, played by Peter Lorre, and several passengers are watching a wrestling match. Twister McGurk, played by Warren Hymer, is wrestling Sailor Sam, played by Ward Bond. Г-дин. Движење

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Ollie J. Цимерман (1906 – 1977)


Ollie J. Zimmerman was the third son born to my great-grandfather Parker L. Zimmerman and his second wife Mollie Bollinger. Ollie and his twin sister Dollie were born on either April 27, 1906 or April 27, 1907. Since Ollie’s headstone says “1906”, I’m going with April 27, 1906 as his birthdate. Во 1909, Ollie would lose his mother, when Mellie

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As Written


A few weeks ago, I started another twelve week program focused on putting on muscle mass. The primary focus of the program is lifting heavier weights and using free weights primarily. The well-respected personal trainer, who designed the program, insists that you follow it “as written”, a common ask from program designers. I trained legs on the first day. When

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