阴影在唐人街 (1946)

When Twentieth Century-Fox decided to drop the Charlie Chan series after 城堡在沙漠 (1942), 悉尼TOLER购买的权利,该系列并把它的Monogram图片. 使得后 11 与20世纪福克斯电影, TOLER将使 11 陈查理的电影有Monogram图片.

西德尼 -  TOLER  - 查理·陈


阴影在唐人街 (1946) was the ninth film that Toler made for Monogram Pictures. 在这部影片, Inspector Charlie Chan is looking for Mary Connover, a missing person. Mary disappeared because of a criminal syndicate that she was working for as an escort. Mary’s grandmother asks Inspector Chan for helping in finding her granddaughter.

督察陈, his number 2 son Jimmy, played as usual by Victor Sen Yung, 和伯明翰布朗, 通过Mantan莫兰发挥, travel to San Francisco to look for Miss Connover. Jimmy and Birmingham find opportunities to get in to mischief as usual. Complicating Inspector Chan’s investigation is an AWOL Marine and a private detective, who keeps getting in Inspector Chan’s way.

督察陈意识到,发现了女孩的恐惧的原因会导致解决的情况下,. 当一个女人的躯干被在沙漠发现, 警方担心,这是玛丽Connover. 然而, 陈查理发现这不是她一个聪明的解剖观察.

像许多后来的陈查理电影一样, 这部影片是短短一个多小时. 虽然悉尼TOLER病与癌症在影片的时间, 他并没有像明显挣扎,他会在最后两部电影, 危险的金钱 (1946) 和 陷阱 (1946).

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