Episodi 30 – Shikat vs. O'Mahony


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/b7uzv9/Episode_30abul2.mp3Podcast: Jugar en una nova finestra | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss the Dick Shikat double-cross of Danno O’Mahony in March 1936. We are also joined in the studio by my youngest grandson Connor, who is hanging out with his dad, Caleb, who returned to the podcast this week. Update I will be starting the new research project in the beginning

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Els deu millors lluitadors professionals legítims


Qui és el millor lluitador professional legítim per lluitar als Estats Units?? How do you determine it when wrestlers “worked” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 i 1915

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Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

lewis-zbyszko-encaixada de mans

Rarely does one fundamentally alter their profession but Stanislaus Zbyszko did just that on April 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsilvània. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” wrestling promotion and beat Munn for the

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Tom Hyer Beats Yankee Sullivan


Tom Hyer va guanyar el Campionat Americà Bare Knuckle boxa professional a 1841. Igual que la majoria dels campions de boxa professional del segle XIX, ell no va lluitar amb molta freqüència. Hyer normalment pagava les seves factures com un pinxo dels partits polítics a Nova York. Originalment, Hyer employed his talents for the Whigs but would switch allegiances to the “Know Nothing Party” amb el seu amic William

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