Mahmout Beats Jenkins in Straight Falls


On Thanksgiving in America, Thursday, Novembre 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mahmout recently to the United States to wrestle Frank Gotch for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. If Mahmout defeated Jenkins, Mahmout would prove to be a bona fide challenger to Gotch. Jenkins was the

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McLaughlin defensa el títol?


Dimarts, Gener 29, 1884, approximately two thousand fans crowded into the Detroit Opera House to watch the first of a two-match series between Colonel James H. McLaughlin and Henry Moses Dufur. The crowd had to delight the organizers and wrestlers. Matches drawing crowds in the thousands were rare during the 19th Century. Organizers claimed McLaughlin was defending the American

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Les arrels de Missouri de Jack Claybourne


Jack Claybourne, un dels primers afroamericans, lluitadors professionals, va néixer Elmer Claybourn a Mèxic, Missouri, on March 8, 1910. En 1910, Mèxic era la llar d'aproximadament 5,939 residents. Claybourne va començar la seva carrera de lluita lliure professional a Missouri a 1931. Inicialment, Claybourne va lluitar a Moberly, Missouri. Moberly tenia una població de 13,722 residents en comparació amb 8,290 residents a Mèxic, Missouri

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Henry Moses Dufur Reminiscències


Henry Moses Dufur va ser campió mundial de lluita de coll i colze de pes pesat durant la dècada de 1870. Per 1855, Dufur es va retirar de la lluita professional per exercir la seva professió a temps complet de sastre de roba. Fins i tot durant la seva carrera de lluita lliure, Dufur treballava de sastre. Dufur va dir al corresponsal de The Boston Globe que va néixer a Richford, Vermont al juny 5, 1943. Aquesta data de

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Dufur empata amb Cox


Henry Moses Dufur es va especialitzar en la lluita de coll i colze quan Dufur va lluitar professionalment a les dècades de 1870 i 1880.. Nascut el maig 5, 1844, in Richmond, Vermont, Dufur va lluitar principalment al nord-est dels Estats Units. Al juny 27, 1878, Dufur va lluitar un partit de tornada amb un lluitador anomenat Cox al Boston Baseball Park davant de cinc-cents aficionats. Cinc-cents aficionats

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Abans que fos Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis


Wrestling historians consider either Ed “Strangler” Lewis or Frank Gotch to be the greatest American professional wrestler. While we know quite a bit about the early career of Frank Gotch, we know much less about the early career of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Various sources claim Lewis learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling in the carnivals when he was only fourteen years old. Lewis

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Burns Wrestles Wasem


Besides being the preferred venue for professional boxers and wrestlers to train when in St. Louis, St. Louis Business Men’s Gymnasium hosted smaller boxing and wrestling events. En 1898, former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Martin “Farmer” Burns wrestled Oscar Wasem in front of a small crowd at the Business Men’s Gymnasium. Burns was transitioning into training wrestlers full-time and

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Jack Pfefer exposa la lluita lliure professional


During the early 1930s, the most powerful promoters in professional wrestling, Jack Curley, Joseph “Toots” Mondt, Paul Bowser, and Tom Packs executed double-crosses on each other hurting the overall drawing power of their wrestlers. During the promotional war, Jack Pfefer aligned himself with Jack Curley and “Toots” Mondt, who ran out of New York City. In late 1933, Curley and

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