Astudiaeth yn Scarlet (1933)

Sêr Reginald Owen fel Sherlock Holmes yn un o'r addasiadau llun cynnig siarad Americanaidd cynnar o Sherlock Holmes. Astudiaeth yn Scarlet (1933) (cyswllt Affiliate) yn gweld Holmes ceisio datrys llofruddiaethau ymhlith grŵp o cydymdeithion. Seren Arthur Wontner mewn nifer o addasiadau llwyddiannus Saesneg y gyfres, sydd yn ôl pob tebyg ysbrydolwyd Hollywood i wneud yr un peth.


Opening Credits from A Study in Scarlet (1933)

Yn anffodus,, Reginald Owen did not capture the essence of the Sherlock Holmes character. Neither possessing Holmes’ lean build nor his urbane manners, Owen is the weakest of the early film adaptations of the character.

Owen studied acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Acting in England before immigrating to the United States in 1920. A stage career on Broadway was followed by a long career in film and television. Owen is one of the few actors who played both Sherlock Holmes and John Watson on film.

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