St. Louis Officer Killed by Wanted Man

The picture of Cornelius O’Keefe in the book, In the Line of Duty: St. Louis policistov, ki Naredil Ultimate Žrtvovanje Barbara Miksicek, David McElreath in Major Stephen Pollihan, struck me the first time I saw it. Ob njegovi lasje razšla po sredini in velik brke, I could see him walking the streets of Downtown St. Louis speaking to children in his Irish brogue.

Cornelius O’Keefe both looked and acted the part of the brave, strong policeman. He performed many legendary feats of daring during his career.

Several of his exploits were chronicled in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch v torek, Avgust 8, 1911. Pred njegovo prezgodnjo smrt, O’Keefe had overpowered an armed maniac Downtown by dancing like a trained bear to amuse him. When he got close enough to the lunatic, he overpowered the man and took two guns from him.

In another case, a burglar tried to break into his boarding house at 1121 Mississippi Avenue. O’Keefe chased him down being shot in the hand in the process. On je pred kratkim našel žensko, kdo skočil iz hotela in na koncu umrla zaradi poškodb.


Od avgusta 8, 1911 izdaja sv. Louis Post-Dispatch

V noči na ponedeljek, Avgust 7, 1911, O’Keefe was working the evening shift. Typically, he was looking for Remus Hawshaw, a man wanted for assault. O'Keefe ustavil na Weisman je Taylor Shop o oljčnem ulici zraven Choris Candy Store, 1308 Olive Street.

Weisman zaposlenih več Afro-Američanov, vključno Hawshaw. Weisman stated he had not seen Hawshaw all day. Hawshaw would stop in at Weisman’s later that day. Gospod. Weisman told Hawshaw to turn himself in.

Hawshaw se vsekakor obrnite na naslednje jutro ob 9:oo a.m. ampak s tem, ko je bil O'Keefe mrtev. Hawshaw bi kmalu glavni osumljenec.

O'Keefe je prispel na njegovo razbremenitev mesto na štirinajsti in Olive Street na 10:50 p.m., kar je pet minut prej, zato se je odločil prijaviti na eno več časa, Weisman je.

Okoli 10:55 p.m, Družina Choris, ki je v lasti candy store slišal lomljenje stekla na ulico in več strelov. Skrili so v zgornjem nadstropju za 15 za 20 minut, preden se jim je zdelo dovolj varno priti dol. Do takrat, Narednik Meehan je pokazala, O'Keefe, ki leži v ulici. O'Keefe lahko samo rečem, da “črna me.”

O'Keefe je hodil po ulici za trgovino s sladkarijami, ko ga je črnec presenetil. They fought with O’Keefe trying to strike the assailant with his club. O’Keefe broke the glass, which the Chorises heard, by swinging his club at Hawshaw. Hawshaw was able to draw O’Keefe’s service revolver and shoot him. The shooting was at such close range O’Keefe had powder burns on his jacket. Hawshaw jakna bi se kasneje vrniti s strelno luknjo v rokavu.

O'Keefe je bil sprejet v bolnišnico mesta, kjer je umrl na 5:35 a.m. zjutraj avgusta 8, 1911. Police officers brought in a couple of African-Americans who were found in the area but O’Keefe shook his head each time indicating it was not the man. He had apparently lost his power of speech before his death. Zdravniško potrdilo o smrti navaja O'Keefe, da je bilo strelno rano na prsih njegov vzrok smrti.

Vedno sem se spraševal, zakaj O'Keefe ni rekel, “Hawshaw me.” It is possible he did not know him well or did not know who attacked him in the alley. Regardless, Hawshaw postal glavni osumljenec zelo hitro. Njegov alibi za čas snemanja je diskontirana z dvema pridruženih, ki je izjavil, da ni bil v Red Rooster kluba v večernih urah.

Še ena priča, , ki je živel po ulici od trgovine prilagojeno, Videl Hawshaw v ulici manj kot eno uro, preden se je zgodil umor. St. Police also found physical evidence such as Hawshaw’s coat with a powder burn on the sleeve.

Hawshaw was convicted of the crime but did not die in prison. Glede na njegovo mrliškega, je umrl oktobra 27, 1931 v starosti 42 pljučno trombozo. He was employed as a laborer and lived at 2340 Washington Boulevard. I do not know how long he served time in prison for O’Keefe’s murder.

O'Keefe je bil 42 letni diplomirani, ki je bil v veljavi od 1899. Njegovo potrdilo o smrti ni navedla koli svojca. O'Keefe je bil pogumen policist, , ki je dal svoje življenje poskuša prijeti nevarnega zločinca. Na žalost, his fate would be shared by many other officers in the 1910s and 1920s.

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