Avqust H. Elker (1948-1906)

My second great-grandfather August H. Elker was born in Hanover, Germany on May 22, 1848 in the year of revolutions in Europe. Whether related to the revolutions or not, August’s family travelled to America in 1854. After landing in New York City, the Elker family made its way to St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis had a large German Catholic community, hansı Elkers cəlb,,en,bir dindar katolik olmaqla yanaşı,,en,Avqust istedadlı musiqiçi idi,,en,kim bir neçə katolik lentlər oynadı,,en,Avqust Catholic qardaş təşkili üçün band ifa,,en,Ata Matta Knights,,en,Zaman erkən St,,en,Louis Bələdiyyə Başçısı,,fr,Arthur B,,fr,Barrett,,en,Aprelin torpağa verildi,,en,Avqust və onun yoldaşları band mates cənazə tamaşa keçiriləcək,,en,Ata Matta Knights spirt olan ümumi abstinence iman bir səbirlilik təşkilat idi,,en,Louis Fəsil ildə təsis edilib,,en,Avqust onu qoşulub,,en,Avqust vəfat etdikdə,,en,o bir üzvü idi ki, təşkilatın formasını torpağa verildi,,en,August Elker St Bertha Lipke evli,,en,Avqust oldu,,en,Bertha isə,,en,onlar ilk uşaq Agnes H alqışlayırıq,,en,və Clara,,pt,Elker anadan olub,,en,Onların orta uşaq və böyük nənə Magdalena Elker anadan olub,,en.

Besides being a devout Catholic, August was a talented musician, who played in several Catholic bands. August played in the band for the Catholic fraternal organization, Knights of Father Matthew. When an early St. Louis Mayor, Arthur B. Barrett, was laid to rest on April 27, 1875, August and his fellow band mates played in the funeral pageant.


Eduard, Magdalena and 12 of their 14 children from the July 5, 1934 Bu St nəşr. Louis Star-Times

The Knights of Father Matthew was a temperance organization that believed in total abstinence from alcohol. The St. Louis Chapter was founded in 1872, when August joined it. When August died in 1906, he was buried in the uniform of the organization that he was a member for 34 il.

Oktyabr 28, 1878, August Elker married Bertha Lipke at St. Mary of Victories Catholic Church. August was 31 yaş, while Bertha was 28 dək təvəllüd. Ilə 1882, they would welcome their first child Agnes H. Elker. Ilə 1883, Clara E. Elker was born.

Ilə 1885, their middle child and my great-grandmother Magdalena Elker was born. Magdalena married Eduard Mosblech in 1907. They would have 14 children including their sixth child, my grandmother Alvina Mosblech nee Ellis.

Ilə 1888, they welcomed their only son, Joseph Henry Elker. The baby of the family, Rosa “Rose” A. Elker, anadan olub 1890.

August Elker died at only 57 years of age on February 7, 1906. I believe he died from the effects of diabetes but I’m not sure. I’ve never found a death certificate for August. The three newspaper posts about his death do not indicate what caused his demise.

I do not have any pictures of the Elkers either. I only recently discovered a newspaper picture, which included Eduard and Magdalena. I didn’t have pictures of them until this discovery. I don’t know if pictures exist of the Elkers but I will share them if I find them in the future.

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