Jak nastavit velkou odvetu


On St. Patrick’s Day 1908, Martin “Zemědělec” Burns se setkal s malým, ale mocným Fredem Beellem. Zatímco oba zápasníci vážili 165 liber, “Zemědělec” Burns stál 5:11” k Beellově 5’04”. Dvaatřicetiletý Beell měl oproti 47letému Burnsovi velkou věkovou výhodu. Burns debutoval v 1879, když byly Beellovi 3 roky. Muži byli na programu v Omaze, Nebraska, one

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Duncan Ross zápasí s Sorakichim Matsudou


Dne 21, 1884, Duncan C. Ross se setkal se Sorakichim Matsudou, také známý jako Matsada, první japonský profesionální zápasník ve Spojených státech. Matsuda emigroval do Spojených států, aby si splnil svůj sen stát se profesionálním zápasníkem, protože to v Japonsku v té době ve skutečnosti neexistovalo.. 28-roční Duncan Ross se narodil v Turecku skotského původu v březnu

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Wrestler Beats Jujitsu Man


On St. Patrick’s Day, Březen 17, 1905, St. Louis sports fans were treated to a special match between local professional wrestler George Baptiste and traveling Japanese jujitsu practitioner Arata Suzuki. Baptiste delighted local fans by quickly defeating Suzuki in two straight falls. George Baptiste was a professional wrestler and all-around athlete, whose powerful swimming saved many St. Louisans from drowning

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Stecher a Lewis na to znovu


Ed “Strangler” Lewis enjoyed one of the most successful careers in professional wrestling. Although Lewis wrestled in mostly staged exhibitions, he possessed legitimate wrestling skills. Future protege Lou Thesz said many times Lewis could beat any wrestler at any time, tak byl ideálním mistrem světa v moderní době předem domluvených zápasů. Však, early in his career, Lewis

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Byl to výstřel nebo dílo?


Na konci prosince 1916, došlo k podivné události. John F. Olin, místní zápasník z Massachusetts, vyhrál zápas s aktuálním mistrem světa Joe Stecherem. Rozhodčí prohlásil Olina za vítěze poté, co Stecher odešel ze zápasu. Před National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) provedl změny pravidel v 50. letech, mistrovství změnil majitele diskvalifikací popř

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Pešek jde do podnikání pro sebe


John “TigermanPesek wrestled several “shoot” matches during the “worked” era of the 1920s. By this time, American professional wrestlers cooperated with each other to put on exciting matches for the fans. Results were predetermined by promoters and managers. Legitimate contests or “shoots” were rare. When they did occur, it was normally to settle a dispute among promoters or a

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Legitimní rvačka nebo Hype před zápasem?


At the end of 1905, Fred Beell was traveling America hyping up a match with former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Beell was a former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion having defeated Frank Gotch in a “worked” match in New Orleans during December 1903. He lost the title back to Gotch a few weeks later. Capable wrestlers, Jenkins and Beell

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Stecher potkává Peška v St.. Louis


Joe Stecher and JohnTiger ManPesek were legitimate wrestlers in a primarily “worked” era, where matches were predetermined unless someone decided to double-cross the other wrestler or promoter by turning the match into a legitimate contest. Double-crosses only worked, if the wrestler could legitimately win the match. John Pesek didn’t like the worked nature of wrestling and often turned

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Tiger Man zkrotí Nat Pendleton


V 1922, New York promoter Jack Curley ran afoul of the Gold Dust Trio, manager Billy Sandow, Mistr světa v těžké váze Ed “Strangler” Lewis and wrestler/promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt. The Trio controlled the world championship and froze Curley out of booking the champion. To get even with the Trio, Curley began aggressively promoting Olympic wrestling silver medalist and collegiate

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