基爾蘭 (Kilrain) 在殘酷的戰鬥中與戈弗雷 (Godfrey) 戰鬥


上週五, 三月 13, 1891, 傑克·基爾蘭 (Jake Kilrain) 在舊金山加州運動俱樂部與喬治·戈弗雷 (George Godfrey) 交手, 加州. 男子們為獎盃而戰 $5,000. 男子們進入擂台的時間是 9:52 比前收市價. 威廉·馬爾登, 前世界重量級摔角冠軍, 借調基爾蘭, 馬爾登為這場比賽訓練了誰. Muldoon 訓練了 Kilrain 的對手, 約翰·L. 沙利文, 為了他們的 1889

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Counter-Espionage (1942)


Columbia Pictures’ Lone Wolf series, starring Warren Williams as Michael Lanyard, is one of my favorite “乙” 系列片. Williams played the debonair jewel thief, who somehow always ends up helping the police solve a series of crimes. Counter-Espionage (1942) begins with Lanyard stealing top secret plans from Sir Stafford Hart’s safe. 蘇格蘭場督察史蒂芬斯趕赴現場

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Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio


Rarely does one fundamentally alter their profession but Stanislaus Zbyszko did just that on April 15, 1925 費城, 賓夕法尼亞. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” 摔跤晉級並擊敗穆恩獲得冠軍

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山姆·蘭福德 KOs Battlin’ 吉姆·約翰遜


週二, 十二月 12, 1916, 山姆·蘭福德捍衛 “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, 他在二月份從山姆麥克維亞那裡贏得了 1916. 之間 1904 和 1919, 最好的非裔美國拳擊手, 或像蘭福德這樣的加拿大黑人, 被困在互相爭鬥 “有色” 錦標賽. 如果白人戰士確實與他們戰鬥, 只是為了發展自己的聲譽

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Corsair (1931)


羅蘭V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. 在 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, The Bat Whispers,

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