Sam McVey’s Big Right Hand


Sam McVey tired of the lack of opportunity for black fighters in the United States during the early Twentieth Century. McVey decided to leave for Europe in 1907, where he fought until 1911. McVey fought in Australia for three more years before returning to the United States. This brief highlight film from France in 1911 with “Battling” Jim Johnson shows

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Officer and Deputy Confront Violent Man


На августа 31, 1901, Night Watchman William Doherty discovered Willis Garner burglarizing the office of Schickle, Harrison and Howard Iron Company at 912 С. Twelfth Street in St. Лоуис, Мисури. The iron company employed Garner, who threw a hammer at Doherty’s head. The hammer missed its target but the confusion allowed Garner to jump out the window and make his

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Убиство Преко Њујорк (1940)


Убиство Преко Њујорк (1940) је један од каснијих издања Чарли Чен серије за двадесетог Центури Фок Продуцтионс. У овом филму, Инспектор Чен помаже свог старог пријатеља из Скотланд Јарда, Инспектор Драке, наћи групу диверзаната. У шпијуни намеравају да саботирају неки тест летелице у Њујорку. Inspector Drake is tracing Paul Narvo, who leads

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Toughest Saloon on Deep Morgan

патролни Џејмс Брејди

Октобра 6, 1890, local barbers Luther Duncan and Bob Henderson stepped out on to N. 11th Street to settle a quarrel. This area of St. Louis was known as “Deep Morgan”. “Deep Morgan” was home to bordello, flop houses and the toughest African-Americans saloon in the city, Starkes’ Saloon. Both Duncan and Henderson were black barbers, who worked in

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Detective Chief Nabs Desperate Robbers


На дан 3, 1896, three men entered the Home Brewery Office in St. Louis at around 2:30 сати увече. Cashier Robert Hofferkamp approached the men. The men produced revolvers and told Hofferkamp and his assistant to throw up their hands. The men took $10,000 from the office in what would be a multi-million dollar heist today. The robbers tied up and

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What About High Kicks?


As a taekwondo stylist, I spent my first few years of training trying to develop high kicks. I could throw crescent kicks head height pretty easily and even an occasional side kick. For the most part, my kicks tended to land on the body not the head. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", high kicks are still beautiful to behold and with several spectacular head

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Langford Defeats The Great Gans


На дан 8, 1903, Sam Langford fought the reigning lightweight boxing champion in his hometown of Boston, Massachusetts. Prior to fighting Langford, most boxing experts felt Joe Gans could not be beaten in a legitimate bout. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Gans was able to break the color barrier by winning the World Lightweight Boxing Championship. Често се разматра Сем Ленгфорд

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No More Head Punches


We always taught students not to punch to the head during self-defense training. Још, we did teach students to punch to head height on pads, when teaching striking. After watching some of mixed martial arts legend Bas Rutten’s fights from Pancrase, it struck me what we were doing wrong. Pancrase banned closed fists to the head. Rutten, an accomplished muay

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Различитим годишњим добима, Различитим мисијама


Мицхаел Хиатт недавно написао чланак о пензионисању Бити модерни изум и прљаве речи. Слажем се са његовим ставовима са једним резерву. На различитим годишњим добима у нашем животу, је време да оде Сометхингс да простора за нове ствари. То добро нове ствари, we sometimes have to let go of the old. When I was in

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Chief Desmond Creates Own Mystery


Свети. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond created a bit of a mystery in January 1903, када је покушао да се искраде и ожени. It was to be the 45-year-old Desmond’s first marriage. Chief Desmond was to marry Hannah McLaughlin, the daughter of a local builder. The couple was to honeymoon in Southern California before returning to St. Лоуис

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