Chief Desmond Creates Own Mystery


Свети. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond created a bit of a mystery in January 1903, када је покушао да се искраде и ожени. It was to be the 45-year-old Desmond’s first marriage. Chief Desmond was to marry Hannah McLaughlin, the daughter of a local builder. The couple was to honeymoon in Southern California before returning to St. Лоуис

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Chief Desmond Gets a New Assistant


У понедељак, Децембар 15, 1902, Свети. Louis Police Assistant Chief of Detectives James H. Smith retired from the police department to take a position in the coal industry. Chief of Detectives William Desmond attempted to convince Smith to stay but he decided to retire from the force as his fortieth birthday approached. Smith compiled a commendable record as Desmond’s Assistant.

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Enlightened Despotism in Things to Come (1936)

будуће ствари које долазе

H.G. Wells wrote the story of Things to Come, which was turned into a film in 1936. The film opens during Christmas 1940 in Everytown (obviously London) right before the outbreak of war. The war lasts almost thirty years before “the Airmen” led by John Cabal, a former resident of Everytown, leads the survivors to victory over the remaining war

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Old Smoke Defeats Benicia Boy


John Morrissey claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship in a controversial bout with Yankee Sullivan in October 1853. After beating a murder charge for his participation in the murder of Bill “The Butcher” На, Morrissey decided to defend his title against John C. Heenan, “the Benicia Boy”. “Old Smoke” Morrissey defeated Heenan in the October 1858 bout held in

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Тхинк Фаст, Господин. Кретање (1937)


The first Mr. Moto film starring Peter Lorre as Japanese jujitsu expert Kentaro Moto sees Mr. Moto tracking down a smuggling ring leader. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation released Think Fast, Господин. Кретање (1937) on July 27, 1937. Peter Lorre would play Mr. Moto seven more times for Twentieth Century – Fox. Господин. Мото се прерушава у трговца и

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И “Давитељ” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


У понедељак, Децембар 13, 1920, И “Давитељ” Луис је освојио прво од шест светских шампионата у рвању у тешкој категорији од Џоа Стечера. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. Годину дана пре овог меча, Стецхер и Левис су се састали у мечу који је трајао више од три сата. Луис је направио менталну грешку у

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Babes in Toyland (1934)


Стан Лаурел и Оливер Харди звезда у једном од мојих омиљених филмова одмор, Babe in Toyland (аффилиате линк) or March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934). Нормално се показала око захвалности. Овај филм поседује Стан Лаурел као Станние Дум и Оливер Харди као Оли Дее, који покушавају да помогну Мајку Пееп, the little old women in the shoe. Barnaby, the wicked

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Свети. Louis Holidays With The Mosblechs


У Мосблецхс имају веома велике породице по правилу. Мој прадеда Едуард Мосблецх био један од дванаесторо деце. Едуард је имао четрнаест деце и његова браћа имао дванаест и тринаест децу редом. Док још нисам био у могућности да провери величину друге две породице, both Mom and I remember it the same way. Grandma Ellis had

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Mysterious Mr. Кретање (1938)


Октобра 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. Кретање (1938), Господин. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. Господин. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, out of

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Why I Blog About Martial Arts


Недавно, Чуо сам о томе подкаст јасно идентификују зашто радите било шта, јер је важно да ефикасно испоручи своју поруку. Почео сам борилачке блог за једног главног разлога и пар прекршаје. Ја ћу да покрије главни разлог данас. I was not satisfied with most of the martial arts instruction related to self-defense. You

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