Континуирано побољшање као црни појас

треи -добивање -црног -појаса

Када стигнете чин црног појаса, наћи ћете га тешко ако не и немогуће да вежбате у класи. Осим ако имате пуно црних појасева, који могу да се смењују ротирајући, ћете провести највише времена учећи. The window of training in class also closes the longer that you are a black belt. How do you continue

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Customer Service Lessons from Grandpa


In the late 1990s, my grandfather, Gilbert Ellis, was living with my Aunt Maureen and Uncle Dale. They had decided to have a large garage/shed installed, so Grandpa and my uncle would have a workshop. They had the shed assembled and engaged a local electrical company to run electricity to the workshop. Uncle Dale had to run some errands on

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Sidney Toler in The Trap (1946)


The Trap (1946) is the last Charlie Chan film starring Sidney Toler as Inspector Chan. The eleventh of eleven Charlie Chan films that Toler made for Monogram Pictures, it marks the return of Victor Sen Yung as “Не. 2 Син Џими”. Toler was deathly ill during the filming, so Jimmy and Birmingham Brown, играју Мантан Мореланд, handle most of

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Свети. Louis Detectives Catch Pickpocket


У 1904, Свети. Louis hosted the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition better known as the 1904 Свети. Лоуис’ Worlds Fair. While the Fair brought lots of tourists to town, criminals also made their way to the Gateway City. The man tasked with taking care of the security at the Fair and dealing with the increased criminal element in town was St. Лоуис’

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Фрисцо Траин Робберс Цаугхт


Септембар 9, 1893, Фрисцо линија бракеман Џејмс Пенноцк укрцао у Фрисцо Лине на Товер Грове у Ст. Лоуис. На станици Цхелтенхам, Фрисцо бракеман Сем Робертсон и бивши бракеман Мунцие Реј и укрцали. Мушкарци укрцали у воз са намером да пљачкају воз на Санди Цут, две миље источно од Пацифика, МО. Кад се воз приближио

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Happy 21st Birthday, Baby Girl


My daughter Caity is 21 years old this week. It is a bittersweet birthday because my baby girl isn’t my baby girl anymore. I am so proud of the young woman she has become but as she grew up I regretted not being able to pick her up, wipe her tears and make the “small hurts” go away. Цаити је дошла

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Еван “Давитељ” Lewis Available

еван-странглер-луис-књига-меки корице

I recently finished Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Evan Lewis was a skilled submission expert during the legitimate professional wrestling era although he did take part in a couple prearranged matches. У јануару 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “задавити Соракичи да

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Луиз Брукс на Канарским Мурдер Цасе (1929)

канаринац-случај убиства

Случај Канарска Убиство (1929) је првобитно пуцао као немог филма. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", извршни Парамаунт студио је мислио да би било боље као слика говори. Студио одложено отпуштање док су могли додати звук у филму. Додавање звука није био без својих изазова. Нажалост, one of the main stars of the film, Louise Brooks, had

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Шеф Дезмонд Набс пар панталона


Вилијам Дезмонд ухапсен много лопови током његовог 17 година каријере као Ст. Луј Шеф детектива. Он је развио националну репутацију “Тхиеф Такер”. У понедељак, Октобар 15, 1900, Шеф Дезмонд ухапсен панталоне од лопова, али не и сам лопова. Јонас Вашингтон је ушао у двориште Схицкле, Harrison and Howard Iron Foundry at 12th and Gratiot Streets

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The Fat Man (1951)


Since the beginning of commercial film making, production companies are always looking for new content. Film companies have always used popular books as a source of content and inspiration. Since the 1950s, popular television shows provided film adaptations and inspiration. In the early days of talking films, popular radio shows led to many film adaptations. Lum and Abner, Jack Benny,

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