La introducció del nostre nou Cinturó Negre

trey -aconseguir-negre -cinturó

A l'abril 27, 2013, on what would have been his grandfather and namesake’s 71st birthday, Ken “Trey” Zimmerman III became the first black belt in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System under his father Ken Zimmerman Jr. “Trey” began studying martial arts shortly before his fifth birthday. “Trey” has trained in Taekwondo, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gojo Shroei Weapons System. His goals

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Theodore Roosevelt en Judo


Theodore Roosevelt served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. TR is famous for the “La vida extenuant”. Va practicar la boxa i la lluita lliure a través dels seus anys vint i trenta. What is not as widely known is that he practiced Judo around 1904, when he was in his mid-40s. Roosevelt would eventually earn a brown belt in Judo. Yoshiaki

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Caroline Leah “Sotavento” Ellis


La meva besàvia, Caroline Leah “Sotavento” Ellis nee Johannpeter néixer Frederick William agost Johannpeter, 1839 – 1903, i Joanna Grieve, 1843 – Desconegut, a St. Charles, MO al juny 13, 1881. Ella va ser la segona més jove de sis germans, Gustav, Anna, Amalia “Maria”, Julius “Semental” i Charles Frederick. Great Grandma was said to be a very strong-willed person.

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La 1953 Great St. Robatori Louis Banc


Divendres, Abril 24, 1953, tres homes i un conductor de la partida intentar robar el Banc de Southwest a la cantonada de l'avinguda Southwest i S. KINGSHIGHWAY Boulevard a San. Louis, MO. El St. Policia Louis frustrar el robatori, que es va convertir en el focus d'un 1959 pel · lícula, El Gran Sant. Robatori Louis Banc. The film is now in the public domain. Fred W. Bowerman,

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