Can You Bullet Proof Self-Defense?

A question I’m often asked during classes and seminars is “Can I become invincible by learning self-defense?”  The short answer is “No” but they are asking the wrong questions.

Better questions would be: “What can I do to make myself a less desirable target?”  “How can I get in better shape to successfully repel an attack?”   “What techniques should I use to escape and get away?”

Self-defense is similar to crime prevention.  Crime prevention does not ensure a crime will not occur.  It lessens the opportunity for the crime.  Self-defense does not ensure you will successfully repel an attack.  It increases you chances to successfully survive an attack.

If you walk with confidence, aware of your surroundings and with your keys in your hands, you are less desirable to a criminal.  I see people walking around with their cell phones oblivious to their surroundings.  It drives me crazy.


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 The biggest lie the martial arts community fostered on the public for a long time is you can be an out-of-shape slob but know a few tricks and beat anyone.  If you are in terrible shape, you will be unable to employ your “tricks” in an effective manner.  You will be overcome and be a victim.

You do not need to be a physical super human.  You do need to be able to walk up steps without being overly fatigued.  You should at least have average strength for your age, size and gender.  You should be able to bend over and touch your toes.

One of our drills is to have students go all out on a pad for 15 seconds, run to another station and repeat for 15 seconds.  FBI statistics show the average assault lasts 30 seconds.  If the student can go one minute all-out, they know they can go twice as long as the average.

Eventually, they will be able to go all-out for 2 minutes.  We only recommend all-out defense in a few situations because if you exhaust yourself, you are helpless.  It does give the student a certain amount of confidence.


Kenneth and Caleb Promoted to 2nd Black Rank and 1st Black Rank respectively.

We also teach students to use techniques, which have a high degree of injury potential for the attacker but a low chance of injury for the defender.  Knee strikes, elbow attacks, shin kicks and eye flicks are all high percentage self-defense strikes.  Grappling moves such as mata leone, oompha drills and ground ‘n pound keep you in a good position to protect yourself.

You cannot bullet proof your self-defense but you can significantly increase your chances of survival by practicing awareness, being in good shape and selecting proper techniques.  “Tricks” won’t save you.

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