Card Night at the Ellis Home

In die laat 1960's en vroeë 1970's, my grootouers gebruik om 'n maandelikse kaart party aan te bied met drie van Ouma Ellis’ susters en hul mans. Oom Tony en tante Agnes Giraudo, Oom Oscar en tant Dorothy Von Berg saam met oom Kuns en tant Betty Clemmings Ouma en Oupa sou aansluit Pinochle te speel. Elke gesin sal bied 'n kaart spel 'n maand op Saterdag nag.

Ouma en Oupa Ellis’ house on Kingsland Court had a large dining room. The dining room table sat eight normally. All the men smoked but I don’t believe Grandma or my great aunts smoked. It was smoking that would bring their card playing days to an end. Uncle Tony Giraudo developed lung cancer in 1974.


Grandma and Grandpa Ellis in front of their South St. Louis Flat on Shaw Avenue

While Grandma Ellis had fourteen siblings, she was closest to Aunt Agnes, Aunt Betty, and Aunt Dorothy. The four families would do things with each other throughout the years. When Grandpa Ellis had his blood clots in 1959 of 1960, Mom was on vacation with Uncle Oscar and Aunt Dorothy. Grandma Ellis talked Grandpa into moving back to St. Louis, so they would be close to her family if they needed help. Oscar Von Berg was Grandpa Ellis’ best friend and had more influence with him than most.


Eduard, Magdalena and 12 of their 14 children from the July 5, 1934 uitgawe van die St. Louis Star-Times

Sometimes the brothers-in-law would get together to work on projects. Grandpa Ellis once told me that he and the other two brothers-in-law were helping Uncle Tony fix up his new house. Uncle Tony was working on a ladder, when he felt like it was going to tip. He reached up to steady himself and grabbed a 110 volt wire in the ceiling. After it finally let him go, he crashed to the floor.

When they heard him fall, Grandpa, Uncle Oscar and Uncle Art came running. After they helped him to his feet, Uncle Tony asked, “What is a matter with you guys? I was yelling my head off for you.” They told him that they didn’t hear anything until he crashed to the ground. He was trying to yell but the electricity was preventing the words from coming out.


Grandma and Grandpa’s Flat on Kingsland Court – Vergunning van Google Earth

Anthony “Uncle Tony” John Giraudo passed away in June 1974 from the effects of lung cancer. Uncle Tony’s death convinced all three of his brothers-in-law to quit smoking. The United States government did not start putting warning on cigarette packages until 1966 but all four men kept smoking. When Uncle Tony developed lung cancer, it really hit home for Grandpa, Uncle Oscar and Uncle Art. Sadly, the card games also came to an end.

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