Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoon, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 to 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Però, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, el Terrible Turk, va ser considerat un dels

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Martin “Farmer” Burns


Martin “Farmer” Burns was a professional catch-as-catch can wrestler as well as wrestling and physical cultural trainer. Tot i el gran èxit com a lluitador professional, fins i tot guanyant el campionat nord-americà de pes pesat, he is more famous as a wrestling trainer. Martin “Farmer” Burns was born February 15, 1861 in Cedar County, Iowa. Both then and now, wrestling is in an Iowan’s blood.

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Muldoon Compleix Bibby


En esports de combat, un bon home gran acostuma a guanyar un bon home petit. Si ets genial, sovint podeu compensar grans discrepàncies de mida. Edwin Bibby només tenia 5 anys’04” and weighed 160 lliures però va derrotar a molts lluitadors més grans durant la seva carrera de lluita professional. Bibby va derrotar a molts lluitadors, inclòs el gegantí lluitador alemany William Heygster. Edwin Bibby va ser capaç

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Roeber Exposes Business


When World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion William Muldoon retired in 1889, he hoped his protege Ernest Roeber would be recognized as the new champion. Però, Muldoon won his title in Greco-Roman wrestling, which was the German-born Roeber’s expertise. Desafortunadament, the exploits of Martin “Farmer” Burns and Evan “El Estrangulador” Lewis catapulted catch-as-catch-can wrestling into the dominant style. Roeber did have a

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Dufur empata amb Cox


Henry Moses Dufur es va especialitzar en la lluita de coll i colze quan Dufur va lluitar professionalment a les dècades de 1870 i 1880.. Nascut el maig 5, 1844, in Richmond, Vermont, Dufur va lluitar principalment al nord-est dels Estats Units. Al juny 27, 1878, Dufur va lluitar un partit de tornada amb un lluitador anomenat Cox al Boston Baseball Park davant de cinc-cents aficionats. Cinc-cents aficionats

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Muldoon Survives Hard Tilt With Whistler


El poderós William Muldoon era considerat invencible com grecoromana World Wrestling Campió. Only one man seriously challenged Muldoon during his dominant reign. The 165-pound Clarence Whistler consistently gave Muldoon his toughest challenges. Muldoon i Whistler es van reunir dijous, Novembre 1, 1883 a San Francisco, California in one of their several matches. William Muldoon was almost a head taller and weighed

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“Little Demon” Unable to Beat Whistler


Joe Acton was one of England’s best wrestlers during the 19th Century. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. Finalment es va assegurar

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Farmer Burns Wears Out Jack King


Martin “Farmer” Burns reportedly trained over 1,000 wrestlers in his career as America’s foremost wrestling trainer. Però, Burns was a great wrestler in his own right. Before he retired to train wrestlers full-time, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Evan “El Estrangulador” Lewis in 1895. Burns held the title for two years. En 1893, Burns estava quiet

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Whistler and Ross Disgust Crowd


After several months of wrangling, Clarence Whistler met Duncan C. Ross on Monday, Novembre 7, 1881 in a best three-out-of-five falls match. Two falls were to be conducted in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, which both men were considered adept at. Two falls were to be conducted in collar-and-elbow wrestling, which was a Ross speciality. The final fall would be conducted in Greco-Roman

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