Night and the City (1950)

zbyszko-k ap travay-zòtèy

Nan prèske 70 ane ki gen laj, Stanislaus Zbyszko te fè premye fim li nan Night and the City (1950). Faktire kòm Gregorious, yon wrèstle retrete ak papa pwomotè lit Lond la, Zbyszko montre konpetans lit li, menm nan laj avanse li, nan sèn siyati fim nan. Fim nan kòmanse ak yon nonm k ap kouri dèyè Harry Fabian, yon London hustler toujou kap

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Gwo nonm twòp pou Jenkins


Sou Me 7, 1901, Tom Jenkins te lite jeyan Nouralah Hassan nan vil Nouyòk. Li te fèt nan Bilgari pandan 1870, Hassan te kanpe sis pye, uit pous wotè ak peze 331 liv. Pandan ke Jenkins posede konpetans lit siperyè, fanatik ak repòtè yo te espere gwosè imans Hassan a prezante pwoblèm pou Jenkins. Pwomotè yo te rezerve mesye yo pou lite nan Madison Square Garden nan

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George Tragos, Crippler orijinal la


George Tragos te vin t'ap nonmen non kòm antrenè Lou Thesz, dominan National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion nan ane 1950 yo ak kòmansman ane 1960 yo.. Bwason, yon 1920 Olympian pou peyi Lagrès li, posede yon rezime parfèt nan lit lejitim. Fèt mas 14, 1901, nan Messinia, Lagrès, Tragos te genyen tit nasyonal lit anvan li reprezante Lagrès nan la 1920 Olympics nan sèlman

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Wladek Zbyszko Divòs


At the end of 1932, 22-Vila Milli ki gen yon ane te pote mari l lajistis, pwofesyonèl wrèstle Wladek Zbyszko, pou divòs akize mechanste fizik ak adiltè. Milli akize Zbyszko, ki gen 41 an, ak mechanste fizik paske li "anbrase l twò fò." Jij Dunne nan Kou Siprèm Brooklyn te tande ka divòs la. Li te eksprime dout ke Zbyszko te abize madanm li. Sepandan, li pa t ranvwaye a

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Gotch vs. Zbyszko Now Available


Frank Gotch dominated American wrestling from 1905 to his retirement in 1913. Gotch, aktyèl chanpyon lit Ameriken Heavyweight, won the biggest match of his career on April 3, 1908. Gotch defeated current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Georg Hackenschmidt in Chicago, Illinois. Gotch proved as dominant a World Champion as he had been as the American Champion. Gotch agreed to

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Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match


Nan Jedi, Avril 29, 1909, Frank Gotch traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to wrestle highly regarded light heavyweight wrestler Charles Hackenschmidt. Hackenschmidt won the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship under his real name, John Berg. Although fans thought well of Berg, they did not see him as a threat to defeat Frank Gotch in a straight match. To increase fan interest

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Gotch Wrestles Handicap Match

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Joe Stecher wrestled during a transitional time in American professional wrestling. Prior to 1900, wrestlers engaged primarily in legitimate contests although wrestlers did work matches occasionally. After 1915, all wrestlers worked their matches. Wrestlers wrestled legitimate contests only to settle promotional dispute or to pull off a double-cross. Soti nan 1900 to 1915, wrestlers engaged in a mixture of worked matches

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Pandan ke Pedreira konplè rechèch ak site sous prensipal yo


(Pòs sa a se yon ekstrè nan nouvo liv mwen an, Gotch vs. Zbyszko: Quest la pou Bondye vin delivre, pibliye nan mwa fevriye 2, 2022.) Evènman ki pi enpòtan ki afekte avni karyè Frank Gotch te fèt nan mwa janvye 11, 1911. Gotch te marye ak ansyen Gladys Oestrich lakay paran li nan Humboldt, Iowa. Mrs. Gotch prefere ke Frank pran retrèt nan bag la ki

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Pandan ke Pedreira konplè rechèch ak site sous prensipal yo

Jan Lemm

Nan mwa janvye 2, 1911, Lutteur Swis John Lemm te jwenn tèt li nan rizib fanatik lit pwofesyonèl ak repòtè yo. Ensidan an te fèt lè Lemm te lite Stanislaus Zbyszko nan Buffalo, New York. Fanatik yo konsidere Zbyszko pi gwo konkiran pou tit mondyal Frank Gotch la. Zbyszko se te yon wrèstle klas mondyal byenke plis konpetan nan lit grèko-women pase lit trape.. Lemm te yon konpetan

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