Pandan ke Pedreira konplè rechèch ak site sous prensipal yo


Pandan kòmansman ane 1920 yo, Tex Rickard te deklare lagè sou ansyen patnè li nan boksè, Jack Curley. Curley te ankouraje lit pwofesyonèl nan vil Nouyòk. Li te òganize tou pwomotè nan gwo vil tankou Boston ak St. Louis nan yon konfyans lit. Trust la te kontwole chanpyona Mondyal Lut Pwa lou. Konfyans lan te jele nenpòt wrèstle, ki te refize ale ansanm

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Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Joe Stecher kap kaptire chanpyona mondyal lit nan men Earl Caddock se pi ansyen fim nan lit pwofesyonèl ki egziste.. Trajik, Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste, men yo pouri nan zòn depo yo. Operatè kamera yo te filme Ed "Strangler" Lewis vs. Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste, Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste. Stanislaus Zbyszko, ak match reyinifikasyon an

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Joe Stecher pase tès

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Youn nan istwa lejand sou Joe Stecher konsène yon konkou lejitim li te genyen ak youn nan Martin “Kiltivatè” Burns luteur, lè Stecher te apèn soti nan lekòl segondè. Burns te tande pale de repitasyon Stecher k ap grandi e li te deside teste l ak youn nan luteur li yo.. Pou ane, Mwen te panse Stecher te bat Yusif Mahmout men li aktyèlman lite Yussif Hussane. Nan

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Lewis and Stecher Work a Draw


In his book Hooker, Lou Thesz wrote about the rivalry between two of his favorite wrestlers, Joe Stecher and EdStrangler” Lewis. Stecher and Lewis would emerge as the two best legitimate professional wrestler of the 1910s. Either man could beat every other wrestler at the time in a legitimate contest or “shoot”. The men wrestled three long, boring contests

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Dusek Double-Crosses Mondt


Prior to the creation of the territorial system in 1948, pro wrestling promoters fought with each other to control the world championship. Promoting the world champion led to bigger gates, so most promoters wanted to control the championship. Nan ane 1930 yo, promoters would enter into agreements with each other but they were often fleeting. When one promoter got offended, thought

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Top Dis lejitim Pro wrestlers

tèt-dis-lejitim-lutte-liv kouvèti

Ki moun ki pi gwo wrèstle pwofesyonèl lejitim pou lite nan Etazini? How do you determine it when wrestlers “te travay” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 ak 1915

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Pat O'Shocker Refize Double-Kwa


William Hayes Shaw, ki te lite kòm Pat O'Shocker nan pi fò nan karyè lit li, jwenn tèt li nan dokiman Pwen Enpòtan an nan 1933. O'Shocker pa t' ap chèche pou sa a sòt de t'ap nonmen non menm si. Jounal yo te pote yon istwa sou fason pwomotè lit yo te eseye sèvi ak O'Shocker nan yon doub-kwa ki te planifye.. Joseph “Toots” Mondt te rezerve wrèstle soti nan New York epi li te aliyen ak

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Kanpay Jim Browning nan Tennessee


Nan 1933, about 10 ane nan karyè lit li, Jim Browning ta genyen tit mondyal la. Starting his career in Kansas and his home state of Missouri, Browning ta dwe kite teren sa yo abitye, si li te gen entansyon rive nan pwent pi wo a nan lit pwofesyonèl. Paske chanpyon mondyal yo te oblije fè yon vwayaj nasyonal, e souvan entènasyonalman, the world title was

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