Anton “Tony” caelator


If wrestling fans know of Anton “Tony” Stecher, it is as the long-time promoter of professional wrestling in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Stecher started promoting professional wrestling in the Twin Cities during 1933. Stecher built the Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Club into a powerful local wrestling promotion. Stecher was also one of the early members of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). caelator

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Ross Faces Bauer


Scotorum luctator Duncanus C. Ross munere luctatus est sed etiam viribus et palaestra interfuit, postquam in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae nuper 1870s venit.. An all-circuitu athletae, Ross sollerter in utroque luctatus est ut luctando et luctando Graeco-Romanam capere possit.. Feria, February 26, 1883, Ross luctatus est pristinus Mundus Heavyweight wrestling Champion Theobaud Bauer. Bauer Championship e Gallia

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McLeod Wrestles Georgius Baptista

et, mcleod

Dan McLeod vicit Martin "Farmer" Ardens pro American Heavyweight palaestricae VINDICIAE mense Octobre 1897. McLeod quattuor annos patrocinium tenuit donec in Frank Gotch adversario durior occurrit, Tom Jenkins. In early 1899, McLeod duobus praesidiis titulum fecit in Minnesota. On February 24, 1899, McLeod luctatus est St. Ludovicus Middleweight Wrestling Champion George Baptiste at Conover Hall in front

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Acton Wrestles Greco-Roman


Feria, Itinera 26, 1888, Joe Acton, quae propria in captura colluctatio, luctatus est Professor William Miller, in Australia luctatorem, et nudum talorum prizefighter, in duobus ex tribus cadit Greco-Romana certamina. Utriusque castra crediderunt luctando certamine hoc stilo pulcherrimum inter eos certamen constituisse. Viri luctabantur for $500.00 a parte. 1,500 fans, turba enim era, conversus

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1883 Buffalo Novum Eboracum LUDUS EQUESTER


Die Veneris, June 29, 1883, fourteen wrestlers paid $50 to enter a two-day tournament for a $500 championship belt and $500 prize. Richard K. Fox, owner and publisher of the Police Gazette, put up the prize money and belt. Fox avidly supported the promotion of both professional boxing and professional wrestling. While fourteen men attempted to enter the tournament, Fox

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