Gertrude Henrietta “Aurelius” Mosblech (1911-1993)


Die Saturni, July 15, 1911, Tertium quoque peperit: Eduard et Magdalena Mosblech ut labore et, Gertrude H. Mosblech, in mundo,. “Aunt Gert” natus in Sancti. Ludovicus, Missouri, tertio ex liberis natu,. “Aunt Gert” praecipuum obtinet locum in tepentis Mosblech familiares eius, joy and affection for her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews.

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F.W. Johannpeter and 1883 Bar EVENTUS


Fridericus Gulielmus Johannpeter (1839 – 1915) alter magnus avus meus erat in latere matris meae. Mortuus est 4 mensibus ante nativitatem nepotis sui, Gilbert P. Ellis, who was my grandfather. Quia mortuus est antequam avus meus natus est, Me valde stricto notitia super eum, cum coepi investigationibus familia historia. Grandpa nullam verborum historiam non habuit

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St. Francis de Sales Dedicated in 1908

S. Francisci Salesii stl-ecclesiae

Novembres 1908, three bishops and an abbot dedicated St. Francis de Sales Church, “the Cathedral of South St. Ludovicus”. Built to serve the growing German Catholic population in St. Ludovicus, the huge church would become the home to many families including my great grandparents, And Eduard Magdalena Mosblech, and their 14 filii. In S.. Aloisii archidioecesis ecclesiam dedicavit

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