

If wrestling fans know of Anton “Tony” Stecher, it is as the long-time promoter of professional wrestling in Minneapolis, Xeev Minnesota. Stecher started promoting professional wrestling in the Twin Cities during 1933. Stecher built the Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Club into a powerful local wrestling promotion. Stecher was also one of the early members of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Stecher

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Ross ntsib lub Bauer


Scottish wrestler Duncan C. Ross wrestled professionally tab sis kuj muab ib feem ntawm lub zog thiab ncaws contests tom qab mus txog hauv lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv lub caij 1870s lig. Ib all-around ncaws pob, Ross wrestled skillfully hauv ob catch-as-catch-can wrestling thiab Greco-Roman wrestling. Hnub Monday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 26, 1883, Ross wrestled qub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Theobaud Bauer. Bauer coj lub ntiaj teb Championship ntawm Fabkis

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Joe Stecher Wrestles rau lub xeev title


Joe Stecher ua nws kev wrestling debut lig 1912 ntxov 1913. Stecher proved tau ib yus kev los pib ntawm nws cov hauj lwm. Martin "Farmer" Burns, Tus storied wrestler thiab tus kws qhia, coj ib yam ntawm nws proteges, Yussiff Hussane, Mus kuaj Stecher hauv ib contest tseeb contest thaum lub rau hli ntuj 1913. Kub yus thiab feem ntau followers ntawm cov kev ua si nawv xav pom Hussane

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Lewis Wrestles Demetral


Tuesday, Lub kaum hli ntuj 21, 1913, Ed "Strangler" Lewis defended nws tshiab khiv yeej American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship tiv thaiv William Demetral. Lewis wrestled Demetral ntawm Lexington auditorium rau ib mat xwb tsis txhob muaj ib lub nplhaib. Tus mat setup ua si ib lub luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv cov tas ntais ntawv. Promoter Jerry Phab ntsa tso ib mat rau theem elevated, ib setup ua ntej qhov ntau

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McLeod Wrestles George Baptiste


Dan McLeod tua yeej Martin "Farmer" Burns rau cov American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship thaum lub kaum hli ntuj 1897. McLeod tuav lub championship plaub xyoos mus txog rau thaum nws ntsib Frank Gotch toughest tus nrog sib ntaus, Tom Jenkins. Thaum ntxov 1899, McLeod ua ob peb lub npe defenses hauv Minnesota. Nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 24, 1899, McLeod wrestled St. Louis Middleweight Wrestling Champion George Baptiste ntawm Conover nrog pem lub taub hau

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Txhawb Wrestling


Kev wrestling evolved rau hauv ib exhibition exhibition ntawm tseeb contests rau ob yam. Kuv tau sau ntawv kim heev txog thawj vim li cas. Tseeb contests ntawm equally skilled wrestlers tau feem ntau ntev, boring affairs nrog me ntsis tes hauj lwm. Cov contests muab tua kiv cua thiab tiv thaiv kev wrestling exploding ua ib spectator kev ua si nawv. Kuv tsis tau sau ntau txog qhov thib ob. Tus

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Acton Wrestles Greco-Roman


Hnub Monday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 26, 1888, Joe Acton, Leej twg specialized hauv catch wrestling, Wrestled xibfwb William Miller, ib pawg wrestler, thiab bare-knuckle prizefighter, Nyob rau hauv ib ob-tawm ntawm-peb-ntog Greco-Roman wrestling match. Leej txiv neej camps ntseeg wrestling ntais ntawv hauv no style ensured tus fairest contest ntawm lawv. Cov txiv neej wrestled rau $500.00 ib sab. 1,500 kiv cua, Ib pawg neeg coob rau lub era, muab

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Lewis yeej American npe


Ua ntej wrestling hauv Kentucky hauv lub 1910s thaum ntxov, Wrestling kiv cua paub Ed "Strangler" Lewis li Bob Fredrichs. Yug Robert Friedrich hauv Nekoosa, Wisconsin, Lewis ua nws kev wrestling debut hauv 1905, tseem tsuas 14 xyoo. Kentucky promoters xav Bob Fredrichs ib yam nkaus thiab dawb, Ces Lewis xaiv nws lub npe tshiab raws li ib homage rau koj txog haujlwm Wisconsin haiv neeg thiab thawj

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Txiv neej loj heev rau Jenkins

jenkins ntuag

Saum ntuj 7, 1901, Tom Jenkins wrestled tus giant Nouralah Hassan nyob New York City. Yug hauv Bulgaria thaum lub sij hawm 1870, Hassan sawv rau taw, yim nti siab thiab weighed 331 phaus. Thaum Jenkins possessed superior wrestling txawj ntse, Kiv cua thiab reporters xav pom Hassan tus immense loj los tam sim no teeb meem rau Jenkins. Promoters booked cov txiv neej mus wrestle ntawm Madison Square vaj nyob rau hauv

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1883 Buffalo New York kev sib tw


Txog rau hnub Friday, Lub rau hli ntuj 29, 1883, Kaum plaub wrestlers them $50 Nkag mus rau ib ob hnub kev sib tw rau ib tug $500 championship belt thiab $500 nqi zog. Richard K. Hma liab, Tswv thiab publisher ntawm tub ceev xwm Gazette, muab tus nqi zog nyiaj thiab siv. Hma liab avidly txaus siab rau qib uas ob leeg professional boxing thiab kev wrestling. Thaum plaub tug txiv neej sim nkag mus rau cov kev sib tw, Hma liab

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