Londos Outlasts Champion


У п'ятницю, Лютий 17, 1922, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko wrestled a handicap match against Francois Lemarque and up-and-coming star Jim Londos. Londos was still a few years away from becoming the biggest box office draw in professional wrestling but he was the most popular wrestler in St. Луїс. While Londos only stood about 5’06” or 5’07”, he possessed

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Gotch Avenges Loss


On Sunday, Грудень 17, 1906, Kansas City, Missouri once more proved itself to be a hotbed for professional wrestling as 8,000 fans crammed Convention Hall to watch the rematch between Frank Gotch and Fred Beell. Beell won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Gotch three weeks earlier in New Orleans, Louisiana. Gotch claimed the loss to be a fluke, while

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Mooney Wrestles Luttbeg


У суботу, December 2nd, 1893, local Saint Louis boxing instructor and Greco-Roman wrestler Mike Mooney met Max Luttbeg at Saint LouisEntertainment Hall. Pre-match hype focused on Mooney never losing a wrestling match or a boxing bout. Mooney was considered a better Greco-Roman wrestler, while Luttbeg was a better catch-as-catch-can wrestler. In the 19th century, it was common for matches

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Джо Stecher Beats Ad Сантел


Джо Stecher почав 1915, доленосний рік для його кар'єри, з перемогою над Адольфом Ernst. Ернст боровся під ім'ям Отто Карпентер на цей матч, але був відомий професійними шанувальники рестлінга, як Ad Сантел. Santel мав заслужену репутацію порочного “повія”, борцем вправний в поданні тримає. Stecher був 22-річний Nebraskan, який зробив

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“Toots” Mondt Dies in St. Луїс


On June 11, 1976, Джозеф “Toots” Mondt died enroute to Christian Northeast Hospital in North St. Louis County. Mondt had moved to St. Луї в 1969 to help take care of his wife Alda’s mother. After her mother died in 1971, the Mondts decided to stay in St. Луїс, where Alda had been born and raised. Mondt was a legendary

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Remembering Wayne Munn


Wayne “Великий” Munn’s a meteoric rise in professional wrestling. Debuting in 1924, Munn “won” the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Ed “Душитель” Lewis in early 1925. His fall was just as quick. За 1926, Munn was retired. A college football lineman from Nebraska, Munn was recruited into professional wrestling by Billy Sandow, defacto leader of the Gold Dust Trio. The

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Beell Wins Title


Fred Beell was a strong, talented professional wrestler at the turn of the 20th Century. Beell gave all the best wrestlers of the day tough contests but his lack of size often hampered his ability with world class wrestlers. Although powerfully built, Beell was generously listed at 5’06”. At his heaviest, Beell never exceeded 170 фунти. While possessing a bodybuilder’s

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Lewis and Roeber Unify Title


When William Muldoon retired from professional wrestling in 1889, he intended for his protege, Ernst Roeber, to become the new World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Since Muldoon always defended his championship in the Greco-Roman wrestling style, his choice made sense. Roeber was arguably the best Greco-Roman wrestler in America at the time. Однак, the wrestling fans and journalist, covering the sport,

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Джонні Рейган помер у Санкт-Петербурзі. Луїс


Джонні Рейган був важливим бійцем у St. Боксерська сцена Луїса в першому десятилітті 20-го століття. Родом з Брукліна, Рейган переїхав до St. Луї тренуватиметься під керівництвом Джека Маккенни. Маккенна заснував свою операцію на базі St. Луїс, де його боєць переважно воював під св. Луїс’ Клуб Вест Енд. У той час Рейган був у найлегшій вазі, що зростала

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Подвійна перемога Марвіна Харта


У 1902, майбутній чемпіон світу з боксу в суперважкій вазі Марвін Харт був претендентом на зростання. Воює в основному за межами свого рідного міста Луїсвіль, Kentucky, У травні Харт зіграв проти Кіда Картера в Southern Athletic Club 2, 1902. В 17-1, Харт знав, що ще одна перемога допоможе йому отримати титульний бій у важкій вазі. Народжений у Брукліні Малюк Картер мав намір

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