Підвищений до 4-го Дану

Присуджено 4-й дан 31 січня 2020 р

На четвер, Січень 31, 2020, Гросмейстер Пет Весеман підвищив мене до 4-го Дану з тхеквондо в класі просунутих. Коли я почав заняття з гросмейстером Весеманом та її чоловіком Артом, Я не передбачав досягнення цієї віхи. Спочатку я почав відвідувати заняття зі своїм племінником Джимом навесні 1995. Після одруження в 1996, Я кілька разів перестав відвідувати заняття

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Вимоги до академічного рангу


The first three ranks in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System are Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, and Green Ranks. These ranks represent the beginning curriculum. The intermediate ranks are Blue Belt and Purple Ranks. The advanced ranks are Brown and Red Ranks. After training for a minimum of 4 years and being at least 16 років, студент може тестувати

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Tips As You Age In The Martial Arts


When I started martial arts in my mid-twenties, I thought my skill level would always continue to improve even as I aged. Since I regularly lifted weights, performed cardio and stretched, I thought I could battle Father Time to a draw. Like so many combat athletes before me, I discovered Father Time beats us all. Чи хочемо ми зіткнутися

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Iron Fist and Martial Arts


Marvel Studios released the series Iron Fist on Netflix on March 17, 2017. The series based on the Marvel comic about Danny Rand, a young man presumed to have died in a plane crash. Rand is rescued as a child by monks, who teach him martial arts in the Himalayas. The series contains a number of great martial arts fight scenes.

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Great Advice – If You Are 20


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come back to more traditional bodybuilding training as a supplement to my martial arts training. Traditional bodybuilding is less ballistic and leaves me less vulnerable to injury. When I was younger, I never worried about injury nor did I get injured often. Once I passed 35 years old though, I started getting injured much more

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As Written

мені відключає-1996

A few weeks ago, I started another twelve week program focused on putting on muscle mass. The primary focus of the program is lifting heavier weights and using free weights primarily. The well-respected personal trainer, who designed the program, insists that you follow it “as written”, a common ask from program designers. I trained legs on the first day. Коли

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About Leg Locks


I recently watched the Eddie Bravo Invitational 13: The Lightweights, where über talented Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Gary Tonan defended his title. I enjoy the EBIs more than most of the other non-UFC events on UFC Fight Pass, the Ultimate Fighting Championship subscription streaming service. Tonan is famous for his leg locks but I noticed most of the competitors were

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Why I Studied the Martial Arts I Have

мені відключає-1996

Ми включили чотири або більше бойових мистецтв у навчальному плані нашої академії. Коли я дивлюся на цих мистецтв, Я бачу чітку причину, по якій я навчався кожен. Це мистецтво кришка яскравим, бореться, боротьбі лежачи і практичний зброя самооборони, тростини. Я почав вивчати Шотокан карате восени 1994. I switched to Taekwondo with my nephew in the Spring of 1995. Taekwondo brought

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Black Belts Need Skill and Character

трей -отримання -чорний -пояс

At our fantasy football draft this year, one of the other owners asked me who I thought was the best mixed martial artist of all time. I told him that based on skill, the greatest mixed martial artist of all time was Jon “Bones” Jones. Однак, Jones’ frequent problems outside of the Octagon would keep him from being considered the

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передача факела,en


This week my oldest son Kenneth turns 19 років. Besides finishing school, Kenneth’s biggest focus is the martial arts. He is particularly passionate about teaching self-defense. Протягом багатьох років, I have trained 14 nieces and nephews plus all three of my children in the martial arts. Минулого тижня, перший представник третього покоління почався з нами. до

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