Підвищений до 4-го Дану

На четвер, Січень 31, 2020, Гросмейстер Пет Весеман підвищив мене до 4-го Дану з тхеквондо в класі просунутих. Коли я почав заняття з гросмейстером Весеманом та її чоловіком Артом, Я не передбачав досягнення цієї віхи.

Спочатку я почав відвідувати заняття зі своїм племінником Джимом навесні 1995. Після одруження в 1996, I stopped taking classes for several years until coming back to class with my daughter Caitlin during July 2000.

Присуджено 4-й дан 31 січня 2020 р

Grandmaster Weseman awarding me my 4th Dan on January 31, 2020.

Over the next twenty years, all three of my children and fourteen nieces and nephews would train with me. I have also had two great nephews take classes.

Besides Taekwondo, I earned a Brown Belt in Judo, and a Green Rank in Goju Shorei Weapons Systems. I have also studied other martial arts.

As part of earning my 4th Dan, I recorded instructional videos for all the below black belt forms. We shot all twenty-one forms from three different angles with instructions.

I will have to come up with new goals for 5th Dan. Протягом багатьох років, I have set out on new missions and took on new projects.

At one time, I created a system of self-defense that I was going to teach separately from Taekwondo. Однак, I decided to just incorporate this instruction into the Willow self-defense program.

I also thought that my sons would take over from me one day. Однак, as they are on their own mission in life and I do not plan to slow down any time soon.

Things are always changing. What is true today may not be true tomorrow, so we have to adapt on our own journeys.

I achieved a major goal tonight but tomorrow I take the first step on my next five year journey. Who knows where that path will take me.

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