Нещасний випадок у день прання Меллі Циммерман


Мій прадід Паркер Л. Циммерман одружувався тричі. Через пару місяців шлюбу з Вікторією Харріс протягом 1897 в окрузі Франклін, Міссурі, Паркер переїхав до округу Боллінджер, Міссурі, щоб бути ближче до своєї родини. Його батьки, Семюель і Сара Циммерман, жив у Донголі, Боллінджер, Міссурі. Березень 31, 1902, 27-річний Паркер одружився на другій дружині, 22-річна Меллі Боллінджер.

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1909 – Поганий рік для Parker Циммерман


1909 був, ймовірно, найгірший рік життя Паркер Лонзо Батор Циммермана. Він втратив обидва його десять-місячну доньку Іда травня Циммерман і його другої дружини Меллі Боллінджера Циммерман. Перед смертю Паркера в Кабо Giraurdeau торнадо 1949, he would bury two more of his children. Both of them were adults. I can only imagine how hard 1909

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Ollie J. Циммерман (1906 – 1977)


Ollie J. Zimmerman was the third son born to my great-grandfather Parker L. Zimmerman and his second wife Mollie Bollinger. Ollie and his twin sister Dollie were born on either April 27, 1906 or April 27, 1907. Since Ollie’s headstone says “1906”, I’m going with April 27, 1906 as his birthdate. У 1909, Ollie would lose his mother, коли Меллі

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Gilford Dudley Story (1797-1870)


Gilford Dudley Story (1797 – 1870) is my third great-grandfather. There are six generations between the two of us. Нещодавно мені вдалося знайти інформацію про родину Сторі, one of the branches of the family my research had not turned up as much information on. Протягом багатьох років, Я не міг знайти свою прабабусю Доллі Циммерман уроджену

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Hattie May Story (1896 – 1917)


My great grandmother Lydia Margaret “Dollie” Story Zimmerman’s youngest sister Hattie May Story was born on August 20, 1896. Hattie was Dollie’s half-sister as she was the daughter of George Washington Story and his second wife Margaret Sweat. Dollie’s mother was George Story’s first wife Malinda Davis. мати Хетті Маргарет або померли в народжуючи Хетті або помер

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George Washington Story (1843 – 1903)


My second great-grandfather George Washington Story was born in August 1843 to Gilford Dudley Story and his second wife Nancy Jane Story nee Womack. George was born in Shawneetown, Gallatin County, Іллінойс, USA. He was the fourth of Dudley’s and Nancy’s nine children. George Washington Story married his first wife and my second great-grandmother Malinda Davis on November 26, 1863,

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Amanda Isabelle “Mandy” Історія


Many Zimmermans always believed my great-grandfather Parker L. Zimmerman was married five times. Однак, Parker was married three times to Victoria Harris, Mellie Bollinger and Lydia Margaret “Dollie” Історія. It was actually Parker’ sister-in-law Amanda Isabelle “Mandy” Історія, who was married five times. Mandy was born in Illinois on July 16, 1877 to George Washington Story and Malinda Davis although

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Роберт Гарольд “Harry” Циммерман (1911-1936)


My grandfather Frank O. Zimmerman’s oldest brother was Robert Harold “Harry” Циммерман. They had a four older half-brothers and sisters and a deceased half-sister but Harry was the first child of Parker L. Zimmerman and his third wife Dolly. Grandpa would be born May 28, 1913. Гаррі є трохи загадкою, оскільки він помер навколо

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John Riley Collects Poll Tax


My second great-grandfather John Riley Deweese served as Welch Township Republican Committee Chairman in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri for most of his adult life. Besides holding party caucuses in his home, John Riley served as Road Commissioner in the 1910s. Residents mostly traversed the roads by horse and buggy. Один із механізмів, який уряд використовував для збору плати за дороги

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Паркер Циммерман і Торнадо з 1949


Мій прадід Паркер став жертвою одного з найбільших стихійних лих вдарити Cape Girardeau, Міссурі, the 1949 торнадо. Він вдарив місто в суботу, Може 21, 1949 на 06:54 p.m. За 7:00 вечора, Паркер Циммерман був мертвий в 74 років. I always found my great grandfather interesting because he led such a varied life

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