Sam Langford z nokautom Battlina’ Jim Johnson


V torek, December 12, 1916, Sam Langford je branil “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, februarja ga je osvojil od Sama McVea 1916. Med 1904 in 1919, najboljši afroameriški boksarji, ali črni Kanadčani, kot je Langford, obtičali v boju drug proti drugemu “Barvna” prvenstvo. Če bi se beli borec boril z njimi, šlo je le za razvoj lastnega ugleda

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Kilrain se spopade z Godfreyjem v brutalnem boju


V petek, Marec 13, 1891, Jake Kilrain se je boril z Georgeom Godfreyjem v California Athletic Clubu v San Franciscu, California. Moški so se borili za pokal in $5,000. Moški so stopili v ring ob 9:52 p.m. William Muldoon, nekdanji svetovni prvak v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji, podprl Kilrain, ki ga je Muldoon treniral za to borbo. Muldoon je treniral Kilrainovega nasprotnika, John L. Sullivan, za njihovo 1889

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Lewis Takes Title Back from Munn


On the same day Joe Stecher wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the recognized version of the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in St. Louis, In “Strangler” Lewis challenged “Big” Wayne Munn for his disputed Michigan-Illinois World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Lewis dropped the title to Munn in February 1925. In April 1925, Zbyszko defeated Munn in a famous double-cross. The match between Lewis and

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Kramp in Zbyszko Battle Draw


At the beginning of 1911, the wrestling public considered three men to be the greatest challenge to reigning World Champion Frank Gotch. Former champion George Hackenschmidt, Stanislaus Zbyszko and “The Terrible Turk” Yussif Mahmout wanted the chance to beat Gotch. Gotch, who was nobody’s fool, decided to take some of the starch out of his challengers by matching them up

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Wladek Zbyszko Beats Strangler for Title

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Marca 22, 1919, In “Strangler” Lewis met Wladek Zbyszko for the vacant World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. In a surprise victory, Zbyszko defeated Lewis to claim the title. Unfortunately for Wladek Zbyszko, he would only have a cup of coffee with the belt. A month or two later, Zbyszko lost the title to Joe Stetcher. This match was most likely

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Masked Marvel To The Rescue


Samuel Rachmann promoted the International Wrestling Tournament in New York during 1915. Rachmann invited wrestlers from around the world to the tournament but his real intention was to establish European Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion Alex Aberg as the successor to the retired Frank Gotch as World Champion. Rachmann’s plan for establishing Aberg was going as planned after the tournament kicked off

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