Gertrude Henrietta “Gert” Mosblech (1911-1993)


V soboto, Julij 15, 1911, Eduard in Magdalena Mosblech pozdravil svojega tretjega otroka, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech, v svetu. “Teta Gert” se je rodil v St. Louis, Missouri, tretja najstarejša od štirinajstih otrok. “Teta Gert” ima posebno mesto v zgodovini Mosblech družine za njeno toplino, joy and affection for her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews.

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Julius W. Johannpeter, Air Pioneer


bratranec mojega dedka, Julius W. “Joe” Johannpeter, je bil eden od St. Louis’ letal, pionirji. Julius, ki je bil znan v družini kot “Pankerji”, pridružil Air National Guard v sredini 1920. On bi naročil kot poročnik. Julius letela letala tako za vojaško in civilno zraka zbora. Večina moških v svoji enoti, ki je vključevala Charles

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F.W. Johannpeter and 1883 Bar Incident


Frederick William Johannpeter (1839 – 1915) was my second great grandfather on my mother’s side. He died 4 months before the birth of his grandson, Gilbert P. Ellis, who was my grandfather. Since he died before my grandfather was born, I had very limited information on him, when I started researching the family history. Grandpa didn’t have any verbal history

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St. Francis de Sales Dedicated in 1908


Novembra 1908, three bishops and an abbot dedicated St. Francis de Sales Church, “the Cathedral of South St. Louis”. Built to serve the growing German Catholic population in St. Louis, the huge church would become the home to many families including my great grandparents, Eduard in Magdalena Mosblech, and their 14 otroci. St. Louis Archdiocese dedicated the church

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