Killer Dill (1947)


A l'agost 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions released Killer Dill (1947), a crime film that professional wrestler Mike Mazurki plays “Little Joe”, a henchman playing both sides of a gang feud. Stuart Erwin stars as Johnny “Killer” Dill, a lingerie designer and salesperson, who people mistake for a gangster. After accidentally involving himself in a gang war, seva

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L'ombra de l'home prim (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) in November 1941. One of the later Thin Man films (affiliate link), the film contains interesting vignettes for wrestling fans. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, is pulled into a state investigation of a local gambling ring. Two local wrestling promoters run the gambling ring, which is art imitating life if

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Wescoatt rovellat, Atletisme i interpretació

factura de pel·lícula rovellada-wescoatt

Va néixer Norman Edward Wescoatt a Hawaii l'agost 2, 1911, "Rusty" Wescoatt va jugar a futbol a la Universitat de Hawaii abans de debutar en la lluita lliure professional a Hawaii durant 1933. Wescoatt també va ser campió de natació. Wescoatt inicialment va fer més notícies per la seva natació que la seva lluita quan va viatjar als Estats Units continentals a 1935. El diumenge de Pasqua, Abril

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Counter-Espionage (1942)


Columbia Pictures’ Lone Wolf series, starring Warren Williams as Michael Lanyard, is one of my favorite “B” Cicle de cinema. Williams played the debonair jewel thief, who somehow always ends up helping the police solve a series of crimes. Counter-Espionage (1942) begins with Lanyard stealing top secret plans from Sir Stafford Hart’s safe. Scotland Yard’s Inspector Stephens rushes to the scene

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Corsari (1931)


Roland V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. En 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, Els Murmuris Bat,

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