camping ກັບຮ້ານ
ຫຼັງຈາກທີ່ແມ່ຂອງຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໄດ້ແຕ່ງງານ stepfather ຂອງຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ, Ernest Diaz, ໃນ 1981, he was looking for a way for us to spend time together. ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໄດ້ camping ກັບ Scouts Boy, so Dad decided that camping would be an effective way for us to get to know each other. A friend of Dad’s owned property and a cabin in Greenville, <ກວ້າງ bbox_x = "761" bbox_y = "745" bbox_w = "23" bbox_h = "20" fsize fweight = "14" = "3" ສີແດງ = "255" ສີຂຽວ = "255" ສີຟ້າ = "255" ບໍ່ມີເພດ; = ". ພວກເຮົາ
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