纳特·彭德尔顿 (Nat Pendleton) 反对委员会


In the fall of 1921, Jack Curley and Tex Rickard engaged in a promotional feud that started in professional boxing but spread to professional wrestling. Curley and Rickard settled their feud in a legitimate contest in November 1921. Curley selected John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek to act for him against Rickard’s wrestler Marin Plestina. Before Curley and Rickard could arrange

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上周四, 十月 7, 1884, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin wrestled Henry Moses Dufur for what both men claimed would be the last time. The 40-year-olds specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled in Detroit, Michigan, the home territory of McLaughlin. The match took place at the Detroit Opera House in front of a small crowd. Professional wrestling had not developed

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十一期间 1921, 约翰“内布拉斯加州虎人”佩塞克与马林普莱斯蒂纳进行了一场合法的比赛,以解决杰克柯利和拳击推广人特克斯里卡德之间的促销战. 佩塞克对受伤的普莱斯蒂纳犯规, 谁无力自卫. After the match, 里卡德重返拳击界,而纽约州体育委员会禁止佩塞克在纽约参加摔跤比赛.

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在 1919, 约翰 “内布拉斯加虎人” Pesek found himself in the same position as Marin Plestina. The dominant wrestling trust would not give Pesek a match with one of theBig Four” – 伯爵卡多克, Joe Stecher, <跨度bbox_x“925”bbox_y =“1780”bbox_w“16”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“ “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯, and Wladek Zbyszko. Unable to secure a match with Stecher, Pesek wrestled Jim Londos in Omaha, Nebraska on October 10,

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马哈茂特 (Mahmout) 在直线瀑布比赛中击败詹金斯 (Jenkins)


On Thanksgiving in America, Thursday, 十一月 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout wrestled former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mahmout recently to the United States to wrestle Frank Gotch for the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. If Mahmout defeated Jenkins, Mahmout would prove to be a bona fide challenger to Gotch. Jenkins was the

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周二, 一月 29, 1884, approximately two thousand fans crowded into the Detroit Opera House to watch the first of a two-match series between Colonel James H. McLaughlin and Henry Moses Dufur. The crowd had to delight the organizers and wrestlers. Matches drawing crowds in the thousands were rare during the 19th Century. Organizers claimed McLaughlin was defending the American

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Jack Claybourne, one of the earliest African-American, professional wrestlers, was born Elmer Claybourn at Mexico, 密苏里州, 三月 8, 1910. 在 1910, Mexico was home to about 5,939 residents. Claybourne started his professional wrestling career in Missouri in 1931. 起初, Claybourne wrestled in nearby Moberly, 密苏里州. Moberly had a population of 13,722 residents compared to 8,290 residents in Mexico, 密苏里州

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在他成为埃德之前 “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯

年轻-ED-扼杀 - 刘易斯

摔跤历史学家认为埃德·“扼杀者”·刘易斯或弗兰克·戈奇是美国最伟大的职业摔跤手. 虽然我们对弗兰克·戈奇的早期职业生涯了解很多, 我们对埃德“扼杀者”刘易斯的早期职业生涯知之甚少. 各种消息来源称,刘易斯在十四岁时就在嘉年华中学会了摔跤. 刘易斯

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