Remembering Wayne Munn


Wayne “Big” Munn’s a meteoric rise in professional wrestling. Debuting in 1924, Munn “won” the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Ed “Strangulatam” Lewis in early 1925. His fall was just as quick. By 1926, Munn was retired. A college football lineman from Nebraska, Munn was recruited into professional wrestling by Billy Sandow, defacto leader of the Gold Dust Trio. In

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Lewis and Roeber Unify Title


When William Muldoon retired from professional wrestling in 1889, he intended for his protege, Ernst Roeber, to become the new World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Since Muldoon always defended his championship in the Greco-Roman wrestling style, his choice made sense. Roeber was arguably the best Greco-Roman wrestler in America at the time. Autem, the wrestling fans and journalist, covering the sport,

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Lewis and Stecher Shoot One Last Time


Aurum Dust Trio dominatum luctationis professionalis in mane ad medium-1920s multas irae induxit cum aliis luctatoribus et auctoribus.. Huius professionis aemulatio ad insignem crucem duplex duxit 1925. Ex hoc tempore in, orbis terrarum titulo disputabatur quod Joe Stecher tenuit unam versionem, dum Ed “Strangulatam” Aliam versionem tenuit Ludovicus. Ex ipsa ira

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Carolus Green Preps pro Evan Lewis


Carolus Green, peritus Anglis capiens-ut-capere-can luctator, iter in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae nuper 1880s luctandi optimum American luctatores. Green obtinuit facultatem in July 21, 1889, cum luctaretur American Heavyweight Capere-as-Capite Can Champion Evan Lewis. Hoc par parare, Viridis tulit difficultatis praedura palaestrae cum Jontman luctatorem Bert Scheller in nuper Iunii. Scheller natus est

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