Russian Lion Defeats Terrible Turk


Rau hnub Saturday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 30, 1904, George Hackenschmidt defended nws Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Wrestling Championship tus Ahmed Medrali. “Tus tsov ntxhuav Lavxias teb sab” yuav tsum tau defeat “Qhov txaus ntshai Turk” mus khaws nws championship. Promoters xaiv tus Medrali giant, 6 lub’02” thiab 224 phaus, mus defeat lub seemingly invincible Hackenschmidt. George Hackenschmidt sawv 5 xwb’09” siab thiab weighed 209 phaus. Despite his smaller

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Puas Muldoon os McMahon?


Hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 22, 1881, Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib William Muldoon yus dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib ntiaj teb tau zus ib John McMahon nyob Terrace teb nyob New York City. Muldoon thiab McMahon ntsib nyob hauv lub best-two-out-of-three-falls match. Lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj yog ua los ntawm txoj cai Greco-Roman. Lub caij nplooj zeeg ob puas yuav contested siv kev cai dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib. The last fall would be decided via what The New York

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Joe Stecher Throws Dan Kolov


Txog hnub plaub, Kaum ib hlis 22, 1923, St. Louis promoter John Contos hosted a controversial card topped by a match between Joe Stecher and Dan Kolov, an up-and-coming Bulgarian wrestler. The card was covered by John E. Wray, the Sports Editor for the St. Louis Dispatch tom qab. The card was controversial because two of the biggest stars in wrestling were advertised but didn’t

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Alias lub Champ (1949)

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Tshaj tawm hauv xov tuam txhab uas muag saib kev kawm thaum lub hnub thaum ntxov hauv TV. Besides cov tsos thiab ib txhia tshaj tawm hauv xov lag productions, cov kev ua si yog ib qhov ntawm lub cajmeem rau TV noj ntau. Lub Dumont TV Network yog ib lub powerhouse tes hauj lwm hauv pib ntawm lub hnub nyoog Golden ntawm TV. Ib yam ntawm lawv cov kev pab cuam nrov tshaj plaws yog wrestling thiab lub hnub qub

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Lus dab neeg ntawm Yusuf Ismail

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Yusuf Ismail tsuas wrestled nyob hauv lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas rau (6) lub hlis nyob hauv tus thawj ib nrab ntawm 1898. Nyob rau hauv nws thawj match tseem ceeb match, Nws yog disqualified rau ib vicious foul. Nyob rau hauv nws tsuas lwm match tseem ceeb match, Nws muab Evan “Strangler” Lewis tus beating ntawm nws lub neej. Tau nws ncig xyuas luv ntawm lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas ua nws ib lus dab neeg. Ismail nkag mus rau qhov

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Gotch raws li Match hauv Zbyszko

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Nyob ib lub ntuj hnub plaub, Kaum ib hlis 25, 1909, Ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch ntsib Polish Wrestling tau zus ib Stanislaus Zbyszko kom muaj kev tsis taus match hauv twm, New York. Gotch pom zoo kom forfeit lub bout yog hais tias nws yuav tsis muab pov Zbyszko ob zaug hauv ib teev. Lub Zbyszko loj thiab muaj zog los qhia teeb meem rau Gotch, leej twg weighed 190 phaus rau lub Zbyszko 260 phaus. Txawm li cas los, Zbyszko

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Masked Marvel Throws Berner

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Promoter wrestling Samuel Rachman tsim lub International Wrestling kev sib tw nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav 1915 mus highlight lub peev xwm ntawm Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. Aberg yog tus Lavxias teb sab Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib. Rachman ntseeg Aberg yuav tuav tej wrestler. Rachman kuj xav ntxias Frank Gotch, tus xeem undisputed ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib, tawm ntawm cov laus los kom nrog Aberg. Gotch wrestled George Lurich hauv

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Stecher Beats Westergaard hauv Lincoln


Nyob rau hauv ib qho blog ncej lub hli tas los, Kuv sau tau txog cov teeb meem promoters muaj nyob staging joe Stecher vs Jess Westergaard match. Muas thaum chiv thawj teem rau Omaha, Nebraska, Tus Omaha Chief of tub ceev xwm thiab tub ceev xwm Commissioner tau txhawj xeeb txog ntais ntawv yog prearranged los yog ib tug “ua haujlwm”. Lawv tsis xav gamblers tau coj los ntawm tus exhibition. Yuav kom tiv thaiv tau qhov no tshwm sim, Lawv

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Muldoon Fails muab Sorakichi 5 Zaug


Hom champions li William Muldoon muaj feem ntau yuav tsum muaj kev tsis taus cov neeg mob tau kiv cua menyuam lawv xav kom. Txij thaum kiv cua tsuas xam Clarence Whistler skilled txaus los yeej raug teeb meem nws reign, Muldoon yuav nquag ua kom muaj paj los xws li yeej muaj feats ua tau los yog siv rau cov kev sib tw ntawm cov mob uas muaj kev tsis taus. Saum ntuj 5, 1885, Muldoon ntsib Matsuda Sorokichi, leej twg

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Frank Gotch them nws cov Dues

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Frank Gotch, tus tub ua liaj ua teb hauv Humboldt, Iowa, yuav defeat George Hackenschmidt rau lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Championship nyob rau 1908. No yeej thiab nws swb rau tom “Hack” nyob rau lub 1911 rematch cemented Gotch qhov chaw raws li yog ib lub wrestlers loj tshaj txhua lub sij hawm. Gotch yog ib tug wrestler feemxyuam heev tabsis nws twb tsis tau lub undefeated wunderkind cov lus dab neeg. Gotch

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