Lewis Solves Masked Marvel


當 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournament restarted in October 1915, a mysterious masked man sat at ringside demanding an entry into the tournament. Prior to the masked man’s arrival, the tournament had been lightly attended. The attraction of the masked man sitting at ringside attracted both fan and newspaper interest. Crowds started showing up for the matches. 後

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Baptiste and Wasem Handle Parker

喬治 - 巴蒂斯特

在後期 1902, Harvey Parker, a professional wrestler who began wrestling in 1900, travelled to St. Louis to challenge the local wrestling community. Parker may have thought St. Louis to be an easier town than “農民” Burns territory in Chicago and Iowa. 然而, Parker would discover two capable wrestler in St. 路易, George Baptiste and Oscar Wasem. 通過 1902, 喬治·

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George Baptiste Wins Detroit Tournament

喬治 - 巴蒂斯特

During March 1891, George Baptiste travelled from St. Louis to Detroit to take part in a catch-as-catch-can wrestling tournament. While primarily a Greco-Roman wrestler, Baptiste would compete in the dominant American style of catch-as-catch-can. The 26-year-old Baptiste was an accomplished amateur and professional wrestler. Entering the Detroit tournament, Baptiste had lost only one match as a professional. The year prior,

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Russian Civil War Snags Aberg and Lurich


Estonia gave birth to three of the greatest wrestlers of the first two decades of the 20th Century: Georg Lurich, George Hackenschmidt and Aleksander “亞歷克斯” ABERG. As part of the Russian Empire at the time, Estonia contained a number of elementary and high schools with superior physical education programs. Lurich and Hackenschmidt both started out as weightlifters and transitioned into

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Ringer Throws Wasem


上週六, 十一月 25, 1899, 聖. Louis wrestling fans experienced a shock, when a visiting wrestler easily threw local champion Oscar Wasem in a little over 20 分鐘. After the easy victory, fans smelled a rat, when the “Indianapolis Cyclone” spoke with a Lancashire accent. Oscar Wasem surpassed George Baptiste as St. 路易’ wrestling champion in the mid-1890s. Wasem possessed

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