
八月 26, 1886, 埃文 “扼殺” 劉易斯會見了英國摔跤冠軍湯姆·坎農在辛辛那提, 俄亥俄. 在合法的摔跤時代, 其他選手害怕,因為他的束縛強大劉易斯.

埃文 - 風門 - 劉易斯

埃文 “扼殺” 劉易斯從公共領域

劉易斯採用頸動脈扼殺被譽為柔道後方裸體扼流圈. At least that was what I originally thought and most historians have quoted. Modern professional wrestlers use a hold that looks similar, but is not legitimate, called the sleeper hold. The arm around the neck is too loose to choke and the hand rests on top of the head not behind the head for proper choking.

其實, Lewis used a guillotine choke similar to a front face lock but with the arms strangling the carotid artery. I discovered Lewis used a guillotine, when I found an illustration in a newspaper demonstrating his feared hold.

Some wrestlers, like Sorakichi Matsuda, refused to wrestle Lewis unless the stranglehold was banned. 劉易斯是一個熟練的 “妓女”, 一位專業摔跤手專門從事提交持有. 松田近了他的腿斷了劉易斯, 誰是激怒了他的寵物舉行的禁止.

威廉·馬爾登按倒劉易斯幾次,但合法的平局後,避免與劉易斯複賽. 在馬爾登的最後一場比賽中遇到了作為一個職業摔跤手的男人. 這最後一場比賽似乎預先安排.

當劉易斯會見湯姆·坎農, Lewis was not in the mood to cooperate. 即使它被定為最佳五分之三的瀑布匹配只有兩個瀑布後的合法大賽結束.

坎農會聲稱世界冠軍 1901 和作戰喬治Hackenschmidt在他的首相. 坎農是一個有能力的選手,居然擊敗了劉易斯的首次下降.

Cannon kept pushing Lewis away every time that Lewis tried to secure his stranglehold. 在無奈的時刻, 劉易斯失去濃度. 大砲扔劉易斯飛行時墜落 4 分 30 秒. 該男子休息了 15 它繼續攪動劉易斯分鐘. “在扼殺” 不會在第二秋季被拒絕.



綁起來再次大砲不斷在防守上對劉易斯的持續嘗試搶束縛的男人. 在 9 分進入第二次下跌, 劉易斯最後擔保的束縛.

The rear naked choke can bring unconsciousness in seconds but a guillotine choke usually takes longer unless it is really tight. It took Lewis 30 秒下跌炮. 大砲摔在地上劉易斯在他的背上,但裁判緩慢致電下降劉易斯’ 偏愛. 劉易斯扶住擱置,直到裁判宣布他獲勝者.

如果是舉行了一會兒後,對手已經失去意識的束縛只有危險. 造成劉易斯裁判的決定慢比他需要應用保持更長. 坎農還頭暈,無法繼續比賽.

劉易斯被授予了比賽棄權. 佳能的第二個吉米·福克納提供給劉易斯搏鬥, if Lewis would not use the stranglehold. 劉易斯嘲笑福克納說,他不打人免費, so Faulkner should raise the proper side purse to face Lewis.

劉易斯接過 $200 方錢包和他的下一個回合的準備. 大砲被吐痰血液和回合後約一個小時仍隱隱. Lucky for Cannon he did not make “在扼殺” 瘋狂的或者它本來會更糟.


Artist Drawing of Evan LewisStranglehold from unknown newspaper in 1890s (I have to find it again because I’ve forgotten the source)

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If you like this post, you may enjoy 埃文 “在扼殺” 劉易斯: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century on Amazon Kindle or paperback.


埃文 “在扼殺” Lewis in Paperback

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