London vs. Shikat inn 1930


Á undanförnum tuttugu árum, forvarnarmenn hafa fundið nokkrar glímumyndir frá 1920 til 1950 sem talið var glatað. Aðdáendur geta horft á flestar nýuppgötvuðu kvikmyndirnar á YouTube. Ein þeirra kvikmynda sem varðveitt er er átján mínútur úr klukkustund, tuttugu mínútna leik frá Philadelphia, Pennsylvania í 1930. Jim Londos glímdi við Dick Shikat (myndbandshlekkur) fyrir

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McLaughlin blandar þessu saman við Ross


Á fimmtudaginn, Apríl 10, 1884, Fyrsti atvinnuglímumaður Bandaríkjanna í fullu starfi, J.H. McLaughlin glímdi alhliða skoska íþróttamanninum og glímukappanum Duncan C. Ross í óperuhúsinu í Detroit. Mennirnir glímdu þriggja af fimm falla leik með blönduðum stíl. McLaughlin sérhæfði sig í kraga-og-olnbogaglímu. Mennirnir glímdu við tvö fall samkvæmt reglum um kraga og olnboga. Ross studdi hliðarhaldsreglur. Mennirnir glímdu tvö fall með því að tryggja sér hlið

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Great Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Á laugardag, September 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, fresh off his first tour of the United States, wrestled the Great Gama at Shepherd’s Bush Stadium in London, England. 7,000 spectators crowded into the stadium to watch the match. A few weeks earlier, Mr. Benjamin brought a group of Pehlwani wrestlers from India to wrestle in England. Fans consider the Great Gama

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Dufur teiknar með Cox


Henry Moses Dufur sérhæfði sig í kraga-og-olnbogaglímu þegar Dufur glímdi í atvinnumennsku á áttunda og níunda áratug síðustu aldar.. Fæddur maí 5, 1844, in Richmond, Vermont, Dufur glímdi fyrst og fremst í norðausturhluta Bandaríkjanna. Júní 27, 1878, Dufur glímdi afturleik við glímumann að nafni Cox á Boston Baseball Park fyrir framan fimm hundruð aðdáendur.. Fimm hundruð aðdáendur

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Lewis skýtur með Steele


Á mánudaginn, Desember 6, 1932, 41-year-old Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled one of his last legitimate contests to settle a promotional dispute in New York. After initially being allies in promotion, Jim Londos broke away from Jack Curley’s group in New York. To restore peace, the parties decided on a legitimate contest or “shoot” to settle the dispute. Joseph „Toots“ Mondt

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Two Shooters Work a Match


Á þriðjudag, Desember 12, 1916, local favorite, John “The Nebraska TigermanPesek wrestled fellow shooter, Al “DutchMantell, in a worked match. Pesek recently trained with fellow Nebraska wrestler and recognized World Champion Joe Stecher prior to this match. Pesek developed a notorious reputation for shooting with other wrestlers. Þó, Pesek was a 22-year-old up-and-comer still learning to wrestle, þegar

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Bibby Too Much for Matsuda


Í upphafi 1880s, Sorakichi Matsuda, or Matsada in most American newspapers, traveled to the United States to wrestle professionally. Japan did not have a developed professional wrestling circuit, so Matsuda thought he would bring the sport back to Japan after an apprenticeship in the United States. After training for a while, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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Oscar Wasem sigrar Joe Carroll


Oscar Wasem started his career in St. Louis, Missouri under the tutelage of George Baptiste. Wasem was a good enough wrestler that Wasem defeated a young Frank Gotch in 1901. Wasem, The St. Louis Champion, pinned Gotch, the Iowa Champion. While Gotch went on to be America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler, Wasem remained a solid journeyman. Wasem supplemented his professional

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