Signatura de llibres de robatori bancari de Union MO


Dissabte, Abril 9, 2022, the Franklin County Missouri Historical Society invited me to give a PowerPoint presentation on the Union Missouri Bank Robbery of 1902. The book covers the robbery, the investigation, two nationwide hunts for the fugitive and a daring break from the St. Louis City Jail. Two daring robbers, not yet 23 anys d'edat, pulled off

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Introducció a la Unió, Robatori MO Banc


La nit de Nadal 1902, 2 petita ciutat, D'estar per casa, els atracadors van bufar obrir la caixa forta de la Unió, Banc Missouri. Després d'amenaçar uns ciutadans, que es van fer amb més de $15,000. The men were relatively safe for a few months until the Pinkerton Detective Agency was called in. The Pinkertons had a nationwide agency, which was the closest thing the United

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Tom Allen Shoots Patron


Tom Allen was born in Birmingham, England on April 23, 1840 but he became famous as a heavyweight bare knuckle prizefighter in America. Settling in St. Louis around 1867, Allen won the American Heavyweight Championship in 1873 and held the title until 1876. He returned to England for a year before returning to St. Louis for good in 1878. Back

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Girlfriend Kills St. Louis Officer


On Monday evening, Juliol 16, 1917, St. Louis Police Officer Julius H. Petring assigned to the North Market Division entered a rooming house at 2301 N. Market Street. Petring asked the proprietor William Dietrich to rent a room for him and his wife. His “wife” was his recently divorced girlfriend Freda Hagenmeyer. Officer Petring had been seeing Freda Hagenmeyer, que

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Oliver Kirk i el 1904 St. Olimpíades Louis


Oliver Leonard Kirk té la distinció de ser l'únic boxejador olímpic a guanyar una medalla d'or en dues categories de pes diferents en els mateixos Jocs Olímpics. Oliver Kirk va aconseguir aquesta gesta a la seva ciutat natal en els Jocs Olímpics 1904. St. Louis va ser seu de la tercera Olimpíada durant el 1904 Fira Exposició del Món. Like the Paris Games four years before, St. Louis gave

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