

During April 1885, ST. Louis experienced one of its most sensational murders. Two English travelers had checked into the Southern Hotel in early April 1885. C言語. Arthur Preller and H. M. Brooks, who was going by the alias of Dr. Maxwell, appeared to be very friendly. Although they had separate rooms, they often stayed in the same room together. At

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Cracksmen Caught at Eugene Field House


土曜日に, 3月 12, 1904, ST. Louis Detective James J. Moran led a team of detectives to a room in a row house at 634 South Broadway on St. ルイ’ Near South Side. Frank Ward, a suspected safe cracker, rented a room in the row house. Besides Ward, the detectives arrested Edward Seely and John Shumway. モランと刑事たち

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H. H. Holmes was America’s first known serial killer in the modern definition of the word. Holmes operated “the Murder Castle”, a Chicago hotel during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Holmes would eventually be convicted of sixteen murders but may have murdered more than 100 people during his operation of the hotel. What is less well known is that St.

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Amateur Sleuth Catches Dynamitards


Sunday morning, 8月 12, 1900, ST. Louis Police arrested four former Transit Line streetcar workers for blowing up the Olive Street line on Maryland Avenue between N. Taylor and N. Euclid Avenues on the previous night at 11:00 P.M. Police arrested Maurice Brennan, Fred E. Northway, James Schwartz and James Finnesey. Police found 30 pounds of dynamite and 30 feet

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ウィリアム·T”ちんちん” イーガンは引き継いだ “イーガンのラット” 兄のトム中の死 1919. トーマス “ヘビ” スキニーと彼の幼なじみと義理の兄弟トム·イーガンセントを結成. ルイ’ 1800年代後半における犯罪組織. スキニーとトム·イーガンの両方がサロンキーパーと民主党の政治家だった. 彼らが採用 “ラット” for political slugging and other criminal activities. トーマス

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Streetcar Strike Claims Policeman

stl-共和国-1900 年 6 月 1 日

木曜日の夜に, 5月 31, 1900, アルバート·ケーニッヒ, 精神疾患の既往歴のあるストライク支持者, 射殺巡査デニスクレーン. 巡査クレーンおよび他のいくつかの役員は、他の市民を威嚇ケーニッヒの報告に面積に応え. ケーニッヒは、Sの南西の角にイース·アンド·サンズ·サルーンに入った. Broadway and Osage Streets. Koenig may have

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Deadly Night During Streetcar Strike


ザ· 1900 ST. ルイ·路面電車ストライクは労働者階級や上流階級の間で撮影戦争だった. これは、新規連結路面電車線の電車の労働者によるジョブのアクションとしてスタートしました. <スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, アッパーとプロクラスがストライキに反抗しながら、それはすぐにストライキを支援する労働者階級とのお出かけに分割. The result was a deadly

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Nine Boys and A Man Fall Down Shaft


で寒い1月の夜に 1904, 時セントの都市. Louis was preparing for the World’s Fair which would make it famous, overzealous co-workers killed seven boys and a man. それだった 5:45 P.M. ワシントンアベニューとノース十一ストリートの角にある古いブラウンシューカンパニーの工場で1月13日. Time for the men to

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