Charlie Chan na Wax Museum (1940)

Charlie Chan na Wax Museum (1940) starring Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan is my favorite Charlie Chan film. Charlie Chan išče morilca v Wax Museum. Vosek muzej je krinka za plastični kirurg, , ki spremeni videz želeli kriminalcev za ceno.

Kirurg Dr. Krema, s C Datum. Henry Gordon, gosti tudi radijsko oddajo o zgodovinskih kazenskih zadevah. On in radijski novinar uspelo govoriti g. Chan into a debate about a past case involving one of the criminals that Mr. Chan je lov. Všeč mi je ta film iz več razlogov:.


Sidney Toler kot Charlie Chan iz Public Domain

Prva, atmosfera dopolnjuje film. Charlie Chan lov morilce v muzej voščenih na deževni nevihtni noči zdi še posebej primerno. The storm gives the film an “old dark house mystery” feel to the film.

Drugi, the supporting characters all played their roles very well. It is difficult to single out a specific actor in this film but Michael Visaroff playing Dr. Von Brom was particularly strong in his supporting role as the criminologist, who was debating Mr. Chan on the radio show.

Third, Victor Sen Young returns as Jimmy Chan. I found Jimmy to be the most likable of all of Charlie Chan’s film sons with Keye Luke a close second. Glede na Internet Movie Database (IMDB), he enjoyed playing Jimmy Chan. Vendar, he found the Hollywood atmosphere for Asian actors outside of the series to be toxic.

Tragično, Victor Sen Young would die of accidental asphixiation in 1980 v starosti 65. Bil je s svojo peč za delno ogrevanje svojega doma. Je imela neodkrite uhajanja plina, , ki ga je ubil. Našli so ga deset dni po tem, ko je dejansko umrl.

Kaj menite o tej film? Ali je tako dober, ad sem rekel, da je?

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