Charlie Chan v Dangerous Denar (1946)

Nevarna Denar (1946) je drugi trajala Charlie Chan film starring Sidney TOLER od Monogram Pictures. Po Sidney TOLER smrti, Roland Winters bi prevzel vlogo za devet več filmov. Ta film nam omogoča, da cenim podobo TOLER za inšpektorja Chan za skoraj do zadnjega časa. This film was the tenth for Monogram and his twenty-first portrayal of the famous fictional character.

Nevarna Denar begins on a cruise, where Inspector Chan is attempting to catch some counterfeiters. He is assisted by number two son Jimmy Chan, Victor Sen Yung igral, in Chattanooga Brown, played by Willie Best. Due to Sidney Toler’s bad health, Monogram brought Victor Sen Yung back to help Sidney Toler through the filming. Toler could barely walk in this film and Trap (1947).


Sidney Toler kot Charlie Chan iz Public Domain

Inšpektor Chan se ukvarja s ponarejevalci, izsiljevalci in morilci na ladji in otoku Samoa. Jimmy in Chattanooga zagotavljata komično olajšanje in velik del dejanske akcije v tem filmu.

Glede na Internet Movie Database (IMDB), Willie Best appeared with many of the top film stars of the 1930s and 1940s until his drug arrest ended his film career. He made a brief comeback in television before retiring. Unlike Mantan Moreland and Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, who transcended the stereotypical roles they were forced to play, Willie Best was not so fortunate.

Vloge, ki jih je smel igrati, so ga prevzele kot vratarja, butler, in hišni ljubljenček. During the Civil Rights Movement, filmski kritiki so njegove upodobitve izpostavili kot tisto, kar je narobe z vlogami Afroameričanov v klasičnih hollywoodskih filmih. Tragično, Best, who was born in Sunflower, Mississippi on May 27, 1915, died at the young age of 45 on February 27, 1962.

This film runs about 66 min. Giba se z dobrim tempom in ima dovolj skrivnostnega dogajanja, da ohrani zanimanje gledalca.

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