Episod 11 – Corectarea Cărților

În acest episod, discutăm când un autor are datoria de a corecta o carte pe care autorul a publicat-o mai devreme.


I have completed the manuscript for the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Voi lansa cartea la mijlocul lunii noiembrie 2022.


Artă podcast pentru A fost aproape real: Podcastul Istoriei luptei profesionale

Conținutul principal

În timp ce cercetam istoria campionatului american de lupte grele, I discovered new information that I could have included in Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt: The Matches That Made and Destroyed Legitimate American Professional Wrestling.

This discovery led me to discuss when you need to update a previously published book.


We also review the May 8, 1982 edition of World Class Championship Wrestling on the Peacock Network. We look at the Kevin Von Erich vs. Kabuki main event.

Next Episode

In the next episode, we will be looking at the “Little Demon” Joe Acton’s career in the United States. The episode will be released on Monday, Octombrie 24, 2022.

You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my Facebook page sau Twitter profile.


Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt is available at Amazon in paperback and on e-book.

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