Episode 3: Evan “Strangulatam” Lewis

Hoc eventu, Loquar de uno vitiosissimo proselytorum in historia palaestrae professionalis. Tres casus intendunt quae illustrant cur alii luctatores timuerint Evang " Strangler " Lewis.


The update will be on the light side because I contracted COVID for the second time this year.

The biggest wrestling news in the last 20 annis. Vince McMahon steps down at least temporarily as CEO and Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment.

hoc erat prope realem podcast-es

Podcast Art pro Verus erat: Historia Pro Wrestling Podcast

Main Content

The third combat sports book I wrote is still one of the reader’s favorites, Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Lewis was not only a skilled hooker but had a vicious, mean streak. Lewis wrestled primarily contests but even hurt wrestlers in worked matches when the other wrestler made Lewis mad. Lewis’ conduct in three matches clearly show his temperament and outlook.

Lewis’ two matches with Sorakichi Matsada cement him as a villain in the mind of wrestling fans.

Lewis’ match with Dennis Gallagher shows how vicious Lewis could become.

To end the program, I discuss the first card I attended in St. Louis on Friday, January 25, 1980.

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Evan “The Strangler” Lewis in Paperback

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