Pasarte 1: Gotch vs. Hack

It Was Almost Real: Pro Wrestling Historia Podcasta, Pasarte 1 – Gotch vs. Hack

Episode Preview

Pasarte honetan, Frank Gotch eta George Hackenschmidten arteko bi partiden inguruko gertakari eta mitoei buruz hitz egingo dut. During May 2016 aurreko bi urteetan gizonezkoen ibilbidea ikertu ostean, I released Gotch vs. Hack: The Matches That Built and Destroyed Legitimate American Professional Wrestling. I took an in-depth look at both men’s careers leading into the matches and discovered things I heard about the matches in the past did not quite measure up to the facts.

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Podcast Art for the It Was Almost Real: Pro Wrestling Historia Podcasta


I wanted to provide listeners with a brief introduction since you may not be familiar with me unless you have read some of my books such as Gotch vs. Hack, Urrezko hautsaren hirukotea bikoiztuta edo Evan “The Strangler” Lewis. I have authored eighteen non-fiction books at the time of this recording. At the end of the show, I’ll tell you how I became a wrestling fan and why I named this podcast It Was Almost Real.

Main ContentI look at the fact and fiction around the two matches between Frank Gotch and George Hackenschmidt in 1908 eta 1911. A lot of the misinformation is from The Fall Guys: Erreboteko Barnums (kidea lotura) Egilea: Marcus Griffin.

The book is the first insider look at professional wrestling in the 1930s. It is an excellent resource but verify the information. The Buffalo promotional office fired Griffin, their PR man in the 1930s. He wrote the book in 1938 to take revenge on his former employers.

To end the show, I discuss how my oldest sister Vicky encouraged my professional wrestling fandom as a kid and why I named the podcast It Was Almost Real.

Since the show is new, I would appreciate a rating to help other listeners discover the show. I will release an episode next Monday discussing the biggest box office star of the 1930s and possibly all-time. We will also discuss the terms performer, shooter, hooker and hooks. Thanks for listening.

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