Episood 48 – Legendaarsed lood

Sel episood, Arutame, kes vastutab kõigi professionaalse maadlusega seotud legendide ja lugude eest, vaadates kahe pealiku pealiku legendi.


We discuss some corrections to the episode on William Muldoon and Clarence Whistler.


Frank Gotch alates Public Domain

Jagan ka oma mõtteid WWE elimineerimiskambri kohta, since I was the only one to watch it so far.

We give an update on Dan, who is currently on the injured reserve. We have been forced to adapt by recording on Skype for the next few weeks.

Main Content

Sisse 1906, Frank Gotch’s management team hyped an upcoming match with either Fred Beell or Tom Jenkins.

To hype the match, Emil Klank or Martin “Farmer” Burns planted a story about Gotch’s 1903 match with Native American wrestler Chief Two Feathers in newspapers accross the United States

According to the story in the newspapers, the undefeated Chief Two Feathers almost defeated Gotch. After Gotch came back to defeat Chief Two Feathers in two straight falls, the despondent Chief Two Feathers retired from professional wrestling. The true story of the match was a little different.


We examine a match between King Kong Brody and Chrusher Jerry Blackwell in 1986. The run-ins tickle “Kolm punkti”, who was not a wrestling fan and not familiar with the run-ins of the 1980s.

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