حادثة 66 – ساندو ولويس

في هذه الحلقة, we discuss how and when Billy Sandow and Ed “خانق” Lewis really met.


We discuss the status of my research project on Ed “خانق” رافعة الحجارة’ وظيفة مبكرة.

We also discuss AEW’s recent problems ending their shows on time.

We finish with terrible NFL owners and their tendency to stick their noses into football decisions.

لقد كان فن بودكاست حقيقيًا تقريبًا

فن البودكاست الخاص به كان واقعيًا تقريبًا: بودكاست Pro Wrestling History

Main Content

When fans wonder where all the false information about historical wrestlers came from, the answer is often from the wrestlers themselves or their managers.

In the early 1920s, Sandow and Lewis capitalized on the popularity of the Gold Dust Trio by publishing a series of books on physical culture and wrestler.

In the introduction, Sandow and Lewis claim that Sandow discovered Lewis, when Lewis was still an amateur.

لكن, Sandow and Lewis made this version of events up out of whole cloth. Sandow did not meet Lewis until Lewis had been a professional wrestler for at least three years.

إعادة النظر

We review the Lou Thesz vs. “WildBill Longson match from the Dallas Sportatorium in 1952. Longson is 48-years-old in this match but can keep up with the 36-year-old Thesz.

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أصول الأسطورة وصنع غطاء إد سترانجلر لويس

غلاف أصول الأسطورة, القصة الحقيقية لإد “خانق” Lewis’s early career

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