Епізод 77 – Don’t Call Me Barney!

У цьому епізоді, we discuss Bernarr MacFadden’s professional wrestling career in St. Луїс, Міссурі.


I discuss a recent email and provide an update on the Divided Championship project.


Artist rendering of lightweight Greco-Roman wrestler B. A. McFadden in St. Луїс. McFadden later became the publisher Bernarr MacFadden (Загальне надбання)

Головна Зміст

Протягом багатьох років, I could not find any account of Bernarr MacFadden’s exploits as a professional wrestler in St. Луїс. While research the beginnings of what would become Tom Packs’ Вулиця. Луїс боротьба просування в 1921 і 1922, I stumbled across an article that listed B.A. McFadden’s match with Max Luttbeg as one of the best matches held in St. Луїс.

У 1893 і 1894, MacFadden was Barney McFadden, skilled lightweight Greco-Roman professional wrestler. Only 25-years-old, McFadden already contemplated retirement to enter the publishing business.

У січні 1894, McFadden wrestled Luttbeg in his final professional wrestling match. We discuss the controversial match in this episode.


I recommend the remaining video of the 1928 title match between Ed “Душитель” Lewis and NFL star Gus Sonnenberg. Lewis trained Sonnenberg for the ring.

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Sources: Вулиця. Louis Post-Dispatch (Вулиця. Луїс, Міссурі) Січень 1, 1894, р. 7 і в січні 28, 1894, р. 8

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