Martial Arts Is A Family Affair

One of the best thing about the martial arts such as Taekwondo is the ability for fathers, mothers, дети, grandchildren and other family members to train together. You develop a mutual interest you cannot replicate by sitting in the stands watching your children play baseball, soccer, и т.д.. Besides training with all three of my kids and my wife, who trained for six months before she decided it wasn’t for her, I have trained or trained with 14 племянницы и племянники.

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My sons, nieces, nephews and me

Taekwondo is a sport that everyone in the family can compete in also. Although I am retired now but even at my advanced age, the sport includes age and weight groups that make it fair for me to still compete. Parents can start taking classes with their children, take part in the classes and compete if they want to also. We have had students as old as 70 and as young as 4 лет.

I have also used martial arts as an avenue for helping my kids learn to teach other people. If you can teach children, you can teach anyone. I start them out teaching children and then gradually let them teach older students. Teaching older students is easier because they tend to be more respectful of younger instructors.

The key to teaching kids is make sure that they have a good time. If they are enjoying themselves, they will keep coming to class and will eventually learn. If you try to run your class like a drill instructor, you will have a high turnover rate and little enthusiasm from the kids.

If you have been thinking about trying to find an activity to do with your kids or grandchildren, I encourage you to find a family friendly martial arts school near you. Many schools will let you take a class or two before you decide if it is right for you.

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