The Shadow Returns (1946)

Nel primo dei tre film Ombra di Monogram Pictures con protagonista Kane Richomond, un certo numero di cittadini sono caduti dalle finestre della loro morte. Due degli uomini apparentemente suicidano di fronte a Lamont Cranston, l'ombra, e l'ispettore Cordonna interpretato da Joseph Crehan. Crehan was a character actor who often played policeman in films such as The Shadow Returns (1946).

ancora difficile da gestire

Kane Richmond in Tough to Handle (1937) dal Public Domain

In questo film, Lamont Cranston is the nephew of the police commissioner, who assists Cardona in solving the mystery. Cranston often has a difficult time convincing Cardona that he is on Cardona’s side. Due to the social status of several of the suspects, Inspector Cardona and Lamont Cranston will need Cranston’s alter ego, The Shadow, to help them solve the mystery.

Kane Richmond, who plays Lamont Cranston, was often called on to be the athletic leading man or supporting actor in many “B” film series such as Charlie Chan, The Shadow and many other Monogram Productions. He may be best known for playing Spy Smasher in a 1940s serial. Joseph Crehan was also a Monogram regular. Crehan had over 360 film credits on his filmography.

The film (link di affiliazione) only runs about 58 verbale. Let me know what you think of this “B” film series.

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