Joe Stecher Beats Ad Santel

Santel tenia

Joe Stecher va començar 1915, un any fatídic per a la seva carrera, amb una victòria sobre Adolph Ernst. Ernst va lluitar sota el nom d'Otto fuster per a aquest partit, però se sap que els fans de la lluita lliure professional com Ad Santel. Santel tenia una reputació merescuda per ser un viciós “hooker”, Santel tenia. Santel tenia, qui va fer

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Lewis Wrestles Mondt in Kansas City


Campió Mundial de Lluita Pes Pesat Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis wrestled hundreds of legitimate wrestling matches with Joseph “Toots” Mondt over the years. During conversations with his young protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis said he only had to worry about losing to two wrestlers in his long career. Only Mondt and Stanislaus Zbyszko had a chance of defeating him in a legitimate contest. One

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Prepping Munn for Lewis


On Sunday, Desembre 14, 1924, “Gran” Wayne Munn wrestled Joseph “Toots” Mondt in the main event of the wrestling card at the Kansas City, Missouri, Convention Hall. 10,000 fans showed up to cheer on Munn, a former college football player for the University of Nebraska. Munn was billed at 6’06”, which may have been an exaggeration but he was significantly

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Farmer Burns lluita contra Evan Lewis


El partit de lluita lliure professional nord-americà més gran del segle XIX va tenir lloc a l'abril 21, 1895 a Chicago, Illinois. Evan “Estrangulador” Lewis va defensar el seu American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship contra Martin “Farmer” Burns. Els homes de 34 anys eren tots dos hàbils “ganxos” o la submissió els fa al cim de la cadena alimentària en la lluita professional legítima. Lewis havia estat campió indiscutible des de llavors 1893

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Gotch Bests Bulgarian


A l'abril 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, a Chicago, Illinois for his title. Fans considered Mahmout a tough challenger primarily because they had not seen him wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch’s manager, convinced foreign wrestlers with good reputations like Mahmout and Stanislaus Zbyszko to travel to America to challenge Gotch. Fans

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Aberg Exposes Curley


Aleksander “Alex” Aberg made headlines in 1917 during a lawsuit over his refusal to fulfill a wrestling committment in Boston during March 1917. Aberg agreed to wrestle Wladek Zbyszko, his main opponent during the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournaments, for Boston promoter George Touhey. Però, Aberg pulled out of the bout shortly after signing an agreement to wrestle his

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Mor Clarence Whistler a Austràlia


Clarence Whistler va néixer a Indiana durant 1856. Dempeus només 5’09” o així i pesant 165 lliures, Whistler era considerat un dels lluitadors més poderosos de la seva època. Whistler va ser l'únic lluitador capaç de fer passar un mal moment a William Muldoon durant els 9 anys de carrera de Muldoon com a campió del món.. Whistler va competir principalment a la lluita grecoromana, the dominant style in

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Zbyszko Injures Dr. Roller


Al maig 17, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko’s year-long tour of America continued as he met Dr. Benjamin F. Roller in Buffalo, New York. Zbyszko, a Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion from Poland, wanted to generate interest in a potential match with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. While Dr. Roller was never able to beat Gotch, he was considered one of the top American

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I “Estrangulador” Lewis’ Deadly Headlock

estrangulador-lewis-maniquí d'entrenament

Leading into his January 24, 1921 title match with former world champion Earl Caddock, Campió Mundial de Lluita Pes Pesat Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis was reputed to have injured his previous two opponents, Wladek Zbyszko and Joe Stecher, with his headlock. Lewis would use the headlock to hip toss his opponent to the floor. Zbyszko was knocked senseless, when his head hit the

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